$1200.00 + for 3 feet wide and 400 feet long Potatoes Harvest – Homesteading income – Part 2. Min $1 per lb, up to $ 3 per lb selling direct at farmers market.
VIDEO: Harvesting Potatoes- Homesteading Income – Part 2
$1200.00 + for 3 feet wide and 400 feet long Potatoes Harvest – Homesteading income – Part 2. Min $1 per lb, up to $ 3 per lb selling direct at farmers market.
Great to see the fantastic early potato harvest! Thanks for sharing.
Now, if you could only harvest some gravy.
Congrats on the harvest good to see after all the hard work and shows that your way works
I hope more peple will wake up
those spuds look delicious
I love what you are doing with yah's creation, much blessings brother.
Beautiful soil and a great early harvest! What do you add to the soil?
Mark excellent reveal! Thankyou for sharing! God Bless,Shalom.
what makes holes in my potatoes
pretty awesome
wouldn't harvesting potatoes destroy any michoriza fungi network, and how do you deal with that
so the water melons not doing that great t?
Didn't I hear you say in a prior video that your farm is in New Jersey? I watch a lot of your stuff and try to imagine my methods in comparison to your seasons if that makes sense. I'm in the Florida panhandle and pretty much everything grows…..some year round. I have been experimenting with what grows well without insecticide …..bugs are rampant…fortunately so are their predators. Currently the only thing I spray (sparingly) is BT when things start getting out of hand. Anyway back to the question…is it New Jersey? ( P.S. for your watchers…most folks don't know that there are mountains in New Jersey
Yummmm! That looks so tasty!
That soil! How much are you getting a pound up there?
Now Im hungry
Those potatoes look great. Have a good 4th of July!
I call them home fries – looks good – I could not pull all those by hand – more power to you
be well
my potatoes (russets) are green and blooming but when I pulled 2 plants I had 0 potatoes what can I do? I started with a mixture of top soil and compost then did a thick layer of wood chips and leaves
Beautiful potato harvest!! Both kinds of potatoes made really well! Breakfast looked tasty! Thanks!! -Lea
hi Mark. do you know where I can buy potato seeds for fall planting? Thanks
We like to pre half cook our potatoes. Bring pan full of water and potatoes to a boil, turn off stove and cover. When water is cool, drain and chill. The next day you will be ready to make hashbrowns, American fries (potato pancakes) or jojos. Nice early yield . I like the co-plant idea. Nice dirt too.
How the you keep the "potatoe plague" away in organic gardening ? I don't know if that is the right name in english. It's the deseas where the leafs get black spots en the whole plant dies. Tomatoe plants can also get this. It's a fungus deseas.
Glad to see doing gardening the natural way is paying off big time. Well deserved.
Thought you might of grown your potatoes on the Ruth Stout or back to Eden method so you didn’t have to dig your soil? Appreciate your thoughts on why you don’t. Regards
To admin, the UD is Going zero waste. Make sure your produce is sold in paper / boxes ? You can also contact the stores that have gone plastic free as your new client?