March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Complete Guide to 6 Week Foolproof Compost in 6 Easy Steps

Turn grass clippings, kitchen waste, and anything else you have laying around into perfect compost for the garden in just 6 weeks! This guide will walk you through in 6 steps how to achieve this, and just how simple it is for anyone to do it.

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Complete Guide to 6 Week Foolproof Compost in 6 Easy Steps

  1. I love your videos , man . I do watch other channels and they run the gamut of not near enough info to wayyyyy too much ….Your way is " The Baby Bear " channel which is " Just Right" as info is concerned . I never wonder what was left out nor get overwhelmed by well meant encyclopaedic explainations .

  2. Great vid!! Im looking forward to starting a compost pile today. I've got a aged pike of maple shreds, sawdust and 17 bags of expired green salads i got for free a week ago. They perish fast unfortunately. But yay for my compost!!=)

  3. I have 3 different compost bins. I have one pallet for my vegetable garden. I tumbler compost bin and 1 plastic square compost bin. My issue is my tumbler bin, I only put vegetable scraps and grass clippings. But some how I got big maggots in it. Why

  4. You won’t get fine compost in 6 weeks. I use my compost in my lawn and you absolutely will not get nice fine compost that you’d have 100% finished. For a garden? Sure. For a lawn, nope.

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