Our 700th Video! THANK YOU for supporting our channel! xo
~If you love sunflowers, you must try the Giant Primrose from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company! This is our third season growing these gorgeous beauties and after trying several different varieties, this, by far, is our favorite! Check them out! You will love them!Enjoy & thank you for watching! xo
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~Giant Primrose HERE: http://www.rareseeds.com/giant-primrose-sunflower/
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Items we use & recommend!
~ Dr. Bronner’s HERE: http://amzn.to/2sTtHsC
~ Puracyn Plus Wound Care: http://amzn.to/2rtmVXQ
~ Brinsea EcoGlow Brooder: http://amzn.to/2mLqrwI
~ Keeping a Family Cow: http://amzn.to/2jf42pZ
~ Cast Iron Stainless Steel Scrubber:http://amzn.to/2iXZQuI
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:http://amzn.to/2j0h1sz
~ Lodge Loaf Pan: http://amzn.to/2hSiU9b
~ Livestock Protection Dogs-Selection, Care/Training :http://amzn.to/2hN7isy
~ Kindling Cracker:http://amzn.to/2hXgsPk
~ Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy: http://amzn.to/2hy80Fm
~ Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal: http://amzn.to/2iBy2sf
~ Sloggers Chicken Boots: http://amzn.to/2i0HkRl
~ Vetericyn Wound Care Spray: http://amzn.to/2i9XwAq
~ Mortar & Pestle:http://amzn.to/2iW0JEe
~ Magicfly Incubator: http://amzn.to/2iCgD5N
~ Magicfly Egg Candler:http://amzn.to/2jwaqqd
~Nutri-Start Hand Feeding Formula: http://amzn.to/2jLUK4C
~Vetrx: http://amzn.to/2iPA7oU
~Vetericyn Pink Eye Spray: http://amzn.to/2jLDvQO
~PROBIOS Powder: http://amzn.to/2iPDXOO
Patara’s Social Media:
~Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~Blog: http://appalachiashomestead.blogspot.com
~The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference
Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/CmLAOm
~ Appalachia’s Homestead Official T-Shirts: https://goo.gl/nLa90W
Snail Mail:
Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381
I always learn something new in your videos. Thanks for everything you do. Congratulations on your 700th video! And 40k subscribers.
How do you keep the birds away from the seeds????
Patara….what is the name of the lady who made the aprons for the conference this year? I would love to order a few from her! thanks…oh loving your channel by the way!!
What time of you do one plant sunflowers…your neighboring state Indiana
WOW! your sunflowers are beautiful! our chickens ate all of the ones my husband planted so we will just have to enjoy yours lol!
Patara claims the flowers
Good Lord !!! Thanks for all that you do, & Congrads !!! Do you plan on harvesting the seeds for consumption ? I would love to see that…
Be well
Do you process the peers for the seeds to use as food for your livestock?
I am so excited to get those sunflowers for next year !
I have one right now that's about 7ft tall. Only one flower, but it's the size of a frisbee. I always dry them and give to the chickens.
I ordered the sunflower seeds, I'm in Arizona, I hope it's not too late to plant them.
Thank you they are so beautiful.
gorgeous sunflowers
Hey BakerCreek heirloom is my favorite seed company too! Does that mean one of us is copying? Just playin:)
After a prior video you did, I ordered the exact same ones from Baker Creek this year. Unfortunately, my 80 pound "puppy" has been enjoying the leaves, so I barely have any left. I also ordered the Giants of California, Pink Senorita and Marzukia zinnias from Baker Creek and they are doing amazing!
Maybe you could do a video on how to dry sunflowers.
Looks great! I love my sunflowers too. I was a little disappointed on some of my seeds this year so I told my husband we will be ordering from Baker Creek this next year.
I love Appalachian Homestead with Patara
Are you going to grow any watermelon this year?
Will the plants die after producing seed?
Wow that's amazing!
I bought some, can't wait to plant them!
I bought some and just planted, can't wait!
Wow they’re amazing!