You all know about the rabbit problem I have on the plot… well I was obviously bored the other day and decided to do a western parody of the whole annoying situation. Please feel free to take mickey… I do realise how ridiculous I look, and so did the other plot holders.
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"This video is not available" … I was looking forward to watching that
Adam what a brilliant Movie. Your film making skills are wasted on YouTube! Catch that bunny! Take care. Nick
You have far too much time on your hands, fella. Great little vid, enjoyed it bigly.
haha chuckled all the way through! absolutely brilliant
Rapturous applause! Brilliant movie my friend. I laughed my bloody socks off all the way through and I'm still laughing now. Absolute masterpiece!
Too Funny! Loved this!
fantastic get them pesky varmits
Wonderful! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Awesome Adam! You are never boring. Cheers. Dave
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, rabbits don't like people laughing. They gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at them. Now if you apologise, like I know you're going to, I might convince them that you really didn't mean it.
Rabbits!!! tell me about them. I have been scared stiff since I realised that you can get killer rabbits… they are all descended from the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog. If I see a rabbit I run away.
Well done Adam. Well done indeed. Thanks for the laugh. Have a great afternoon. Best wishes Bob.
love the intro not even watched the whole thing yet great .
did you enjoy making the vid? , are you going to make us all laugh again? that was fun to watch
Very funny! Trust me though, if you put up some decent barriers around your beds, it will solve that problem. This is coming from someone that would not be able to grow anything if it were not for various chicken wire contraptions.
Adam, you're a bag full of nuts…. LOL T
You need a .22 you have lost your veg but rabbit ok in apot
Clint would have been proud of you Adam!!
Cheers mate
Rabbit wrangling, always worth a watch and a laugh!!!
R reet marra yo sod av just nearly choked on me coffee and nearly rolled off me chair lol ;-$
Love this Adam! It's stuff like this that first got me hooked on your channel. You're a vary talented guy with that camera.
excellent -I hate ants as much as you hate rabbits