Hey, America. You know, your nation’s birthday has got us thinking. Since we’ve already conquered Canada, maybe it’s time we expand our travel map a little further south.
We’re trying to set aside some time for another short road trip, and if we can swing it, we’d love to know where YOU guys think we should visit first? Let us know in the comments.
And in the meantime, Happy 4th of July!
Keep in mind that we'd be coming from Ontario (just north of New York state), and our time will be limited. But that said, we hope to make this the first of many American road trips, so the more suggestions, the better
US is every bit as diverse as Canada…for your first trip…Something a bit more different than. what you are used to….perhaps following the mighty Mississippi down to the coast on the west side and wind your way back up through the neighboring East side states say maybe 100-200 miles East of the Mississippi, or if short on time…head back through Mississippi, Tennessee,Kentucky,West Virginia,Pennsylvania and New York states.
Lake Tahoe! I know it's far, but…
I'd say, Colorado, but …. it's not very close to you …. so … some other time … when you have more time!!
I would suggest you contact the state/s you want to travel to "Office of Tourism" and find someone you can talk to about all the things you can visit. Things like natural wonders, historical sites etc.. You might want to focus on one or two states per trip and not spend as much time actually driving. You can do a lot of driving to see, 10 stops in ten states over two weeks or 20 stops in two weeks in one or two states. Just something to think about. Also time of the year is a factor. If you want to get away from the worse of the winter travel further south and have warmer weather. While in the summer avoid the hotter south and see more northern states but that's a no brainier. When you toured Canada there was no good traveling in the winter. Where in the states you can tour the southwest or far southeast. Just stay away from higher altitudes, like the Sierra's or Rocky Mts.
The Oregon coast is fabulous!
Are you in Eastern or Western Ontario? It can make a difference if your time is limited – and I'm hoping you are planning to hit all the states eventually like you did all the Canadian Provinces. If Eastern, I'd start with Maine and as many northern New England States as you have time for. I totally agree with avoiding the southern states in the summer. If you're in Western Ontario, I'd start with Minnesota and its neighbors. Then when you branch out to other areas of the states, you can hit things on the way that you may have missed the first time. And hey! What about a trip report from the kayak excursion?!?
I'm sure you two will have a blast wherever you head, and I look forward to see where that is. By way of recommendation, if you are taking an autumn trip, I suggest north-east Ohio. True, I am a bit of a homer, but I think the sights, smells, and feel of the greater Cleveland area in the fall are second to none. Good luck. I love your videos. Thank you for making them and sharing them.
Glacier, North Cascades, Rainier, St Helens, Mt Hood, Columbia Gorge, and more.
Wherever you go, you MUST stop at our place on your way through Pennsylvania! We're only about maybe 8 hours from you. From here, it's any easy day-trip to New York city, or the Jersey Shore, or Philadelphia. Or we can just give you a place to park Vanessa for the night and a shower on your way through.
Check out our channel to see more about us. We could do a video together and do a shoutout for each other! Love your channel, BTW – both the van adventures and the homesteading. We've watched from the beginning and we haven't missed a video.
Too many to list, but here's a start:
Denali National Park and Preserve
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
Glacier National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Grand Tetons National Park
Bryce Canyon Nat Prk
New Mexico:
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Grand Canyon National Park
Washington, DC
North Carolina:
Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Cape Lookout National Seashore
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
…Happy Trails!!!
Since your travel time is limited, how about the Finger Lakes region in northern NY? Lots of waterfalls and neat places to see.
Nina and Paul of Wheeling It blog are currently posting about their Finger Lakes adventure this summer w lots of pictures.
There are 3 destinations that come to mind, no, make it 4. I've been fortunate enough to visit 46 of our 50 states plus Washington D.C. Here are my suggestions along with the best times to visit. My number one destination would be The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone; Colorado is awesome too. This area is great year round.
Next would be New England in October, especially Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Washington D.C. in the spring (Cherry Blossom time). The Grand Canyon in Arizona.
I'm probably too old to do it, but I would like to see your Canadian Rockies. I do like Nova Scotia.
Like Canada, we have a beautiful county, so when you get a chance enjoy.
north shore of Minnesota, down thru Duluth and across Michigan to sou saint Marie.
Utah!! We have 45 state parks, 7 national monuments & 5 national parks! Tons to do & see!!
Alaska (Denali), Glacier National Park, Crater Lake, Utah (Lake Powell and Zion and Moab).
That would be AMAZING!!!!! Visit Amador County California. I love living here.
Adirondacks,Ny, Lancaster,Pa, Gettysburg Pa., Skyline Drive Va., Ashville NC,Great Smokey Mountain NP.,Helen Ga., Stone Mountain,Ga., Savannah, Ga., West coast of Florida., Florida Keys… just a few of our east coast favorites.
Hey how about Pennsylvania?!? Central Pa. Thanks for the 4th of July wishes.
Visit the Northeast coast as it has cool breezes.
Come on down to Georgia! We have learned so much from you two. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us!!!
Hmm. Where did they go. Hoping all is going well.Great people and great memory's.
Niagara Falls. Then wine country of OH and NY. Amish country of NE Ohio. Cedar Point (amusement park) at Sandusky in N. OH. Fine museums at Cleveland, OH.
Central Kentucky in the summer, we got horses and farmland with never ending hills of vivid green grass, beautiful horses, amazing farms, and so much more.
Check out Detroit for the DIY garden culture and then head to the metropolis of Chicago ( my favorite City) and then to Madison, WI ( my other favorite city).