Growing peas is a joy for any gardener and a fresh snack that rivals any candy. The variety we are growing is Tom Thumb and is a dwarf heirloom pea that is fully mature at around 8 inches!
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Very exciting. Do you think you will make a news letter?
thank you for sharing have a blessed day
Are peas typically a cool weather plant? I tried to grow some but they really struggled and ended up dying out.
These are fantastic, I'm definitely going to look into getting some seeds and growing/sharing my own!
I live in a small apartment that only has one window with any sunlight at all and have had to become inventive with my planting. I've got baskets and things suction-cupped to the windows to help increase my vertical growing space, but I keep looking for more fruit-bearing plants that I can get in dwarf varieties so I'm not just growing a huge herb, radish, and bush tomato garden. What other dwarf/bush varieties would you recommend? Nothing can be larger than a 1 gallon pot at most, since my suction cup things can't hold more than 10lb maximum and what little ledge I have fits….hm….about the bottom of a 2liter soda bottle with a little bit of wiggle. (I'm growing scallions and daikon in soda bottles so I know for sure they fit.)
I know I might sound like a jerk, but can I ask for some moderation on the optimism? Sometimes is just too much…
That's awesome! Sounds like a pretty good variety
quick question: I started growin an apricot tree from seed this spring and it has been growing great, but I want to know if it is safe to leave it outside during the winter.
yes! I've been waiting for a new harvesting video
awesome i lovvvve the harvests videos as i do all of your tips and advice.
Help very wet spring and summer. Snails destroyed my strawberries and now my cauliflower. Any hints or ideas please
Love your films! Keep up the good work!
That is exciting! My pea and bean plants are starting to fruit now so I am excited to get some of my own soon!
nakakairita ung daming mong kuda.
A piece of very valuable advice, which is the main reason I bought your peas, the shell of the peas can be fed to dogs and they benefit greatly from it. It helps their skin and heart, it also provides great benefit to joints and the spinal cord, and dogs will eat the heck out of them. Don't throw them out, they are a money saver for dogs and cats, cats are a bit more picky lol
Congrats on the harvest!
I'm just starting out with gardening, I'm trying out peas, morning glory and rosemary =] I have just planted the seeds in a propagator and I'm looking forward to seeing atleast 1 of each germinate =D
theres no limitation on growing snap peas, the only way u wont get enough harvest is if you dont plant enough per person, 5 plants is a joke, you gotta grow at least 20 plants to get a descent harvest.
I'm growing your Tom Thumb peas for the first time. I live in AZ zone 9a and have had 2 days of 95 degrees. I was expecting the peas to die but they've put out the first pod. It's very exciting. We had a very cold January and February (6+ inches of snow per storm and a few days where Tucson, AZ was colder than Anchorage Alaska. I hope I can get these to survive and produce before the 100+ degree weather hits at the end of April
Is this variety the kind you can eat the pod also?
When should I plant them
Peas are my favorite veggie. I gotta try these
Nice video.. where do you buy your heirloom variety seeds?
Two plants and i see only two snow peas?
I was hoping for a tip on when to pick them. Is it size, a squeeze feel or just looking at them and going for it, that determines when they are reading for harvesting?
I live in Southern Ontario, zone 6a. I’m going to try peas in my fall garden this year. Is it too early to start them or should I wait until September?
My pea plants germinated today. I'm so excited to see how they'll progress.
New friend lodi,m8
Ganyan din me ,tulungan t u
….. …. ,,,,
I see this a 3 year old video, and I know you are talking about peas but all I see is sea of green. It would be good if you could mention in passing what the other plants are around the peas, like the tall ones, and the rounded leafy border of that bed.