March 22, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Picking and Planting – Allotment Grow How

  1. Good luck luck with your great onion competition. I don't think rabbits are found of onions, at least I hope not for your sake. Your crops are looking great.

  2. You should be smug mate, right now you appear to have lead. Those four onions are all ahead of "The One" right now and they look fantastic! Well done. It ain't over yet though 🙂
    Why the hell did you sow the Zinnia's in a flippin' row again? I really need to give you a lecture on drifts and swathes sometime.
    The elephant garlic looks wonderful. Another brilliant video mate 🙂

  3. Hi Adam your soil looks the proper stuff what if ever fertilizer do you use what ever you do it works well what is your secret??? great video Adam you make it simple for the everyman thanks …………………….Ed

  4. Too funny! Nice update, friend. Glad your plants have survived the rabbit onslaught. That garlic was looking very nice! Good luck in your onion challenge, senior Coleman is confident, but still anyone's game:)

  5. I was going to say, that your energy make me tick like a a clock or like big black leather Boot. U THINK YOU SHOULD PUT CHICKEN WIRE all around your allotment. not only part of it. Your garlic looks good. You should plant parsley and bulk pepper as well for your kitchen. As you know that to stay healthy you have to eat three meals a day.

  6. Hi Adam, cracking video. I think if you check back I did say I would enter the onion challenge? Have not mentioned since as every one has gone to seed. Cut the seed bulb off as soon as it appeared, some had another go which was quickly dispatched. So, not expecting anything of size but they are still there. My garlic has more rust than a breakers yard, not lifted as they are protecting my Black Kale. Fellow allotmenteer advised me to pick all my ripe gooseberries and freeze them straight away in manageable packets, easier to take the bits off. Your video has loads of well presented points to comment on its a question of selection. Well done and take care Mike B

  7. I dont get it, how rabbits can get there, but maybe your father can figure something. I wish I was there with you, so we can chat together and talk more about your allotment, but maybe one day. Dont you think it will be a good idea. I ave a green house, and porch where I ave my garden in. I find out Adam, that when I sit with my plants or play clasical music the plants and vegies do muc better and grow faster. THEY HAVE FEELINGS. ARE you nera Birmingham?? I live 2 hours from Boston. in a lovely country side.

  8. Watched your video and loved it, I think next year if you have  comp for onions I'll join in. Not co I can grow them but its a bit of fun and your weather compared to Scotland is awesome. Keep the videos coming. Best wishes Andy

  9. great job with the update and plot tour of the allotment !! great looking harvest loads of stuff planted out !! thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences and as always happy gardening !!

  10. Nice harvest. Gooseberries look particularly good. Like your camera work. You always have interesting camera shots. Lettuce and salad bed look brilliant. Onions going well. Good luck with the one. Take care. Nick

  11. hi, Adam. so happy to ee your onions doing well. Don't give up on th potatoes. i would pull off some of the damaged leaves. keep them going. It is nice you can still plants. It is way to hot for us to continue here. Are you going to start the fall crop direct seed or in containers?

  12. Hey Adam, the allotment is looking great (mostly) sorry about your potatoes.. Great garlic harvest too. Hopefully the rabbit issues are dying down. The lettuce really did bounce back well. Best of luck on the big onion challenge… lol. I think you're going to love the Zinnia's, they can get pretty big with multiple flower heads. T

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