March 25, 2025

VIDEO: My Homestead Manicure~

Let’s talk about manicures, ladies! When you switch to this lifestyle and get heavily involved, things certainly change!
Let’s chat it up! Enjoy & thank you for watching! xo
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Homestead Manicure~

  1. My nails are hard and they get long quick, so I have to keep after them so they don't get in my way. Sure I should wear garden gloves, but half the time my hands are in the dirt or cleaning the chicken house. Don't have time or patience for polish. Scrubbed, clipped, and filed works for me.

  2. Patara you are cute as a button girl!  Love your personality and the way you get your message across! You always bring a smile to my day! I didn't know you were a tv host for JTV but I bet you were awesome at what you did……just as you are awesome at what you do now!

  3. I too cut once a week.  Funny, that polish reminded me of my grandmother.  On her farm she had an Avon nail polish – blood red.  My grandmother didn't wear make up let alone polish.  She would use the polish on us grandkids for chigger bites.  We would look like a vampire got us.  ha ha

  4. Thank you!!! I'm in the medical field and wash my hands and use alcohol gel about a hundred times a shift! My cuticles have always had issues.Long time ago, Neosporin's ads on TV said to use for cuticles. but didn't think anything of it. Well if you know so, then it's good enough for me!! I've given up on the "manicured" nails. I also pedi sometimes. Gotta have comfy feet if you're on them 12 hrs at a time.

  5. Finger nail glue! Ladies and men need it. Why? It is the best for split cuticles and small cuts. Put some on and it seals the cut and stops the hurt. My wife and I have been using it for years. We use both Crazy Glue and Finger Nail Glue. It does sting a little sometimes.

  6. Summer I've always got stained nails from picking berries, or dirt under there from garden,
    or what not. They don't get too long before they snap off when I'm working. I paint them
    once in a while. If wear gloves if it's something like cutting brush, but mostly I work bare handed. Argan Oil, oh my, I LOVE the way it smells.

  7. LOL you crack me up! I just love it! I can relate with you big time! My daughter is always fussing at me about wearing gloves etc. PLUS you're saving a bundle in manicures! <3 Can buy more chickens now. 😉

  8. I can attest to this. I was a gel tip girl for years. My own nails were terrible so always had my claws on. We're still just on our suburban block but I first decided to stop doing it because of the chemicals when I started to get into a more healthy lifestyle. Then the more I get into the garden I too noticed that they would grow really well but I was quite happy to chop them cos I was catching them…..funny how we transition in life.

  9. Good video Patara, keeping working hands nails short is the deal, one thing I would add is I also file after I cut and the Leatherman tool has a nice stainless file for smoothing the corners I find if I do the filing I get less hang nails and I also use coconut oil it works well.

  10. Yes!!! I actually broke a pair of nail clippers on my new and improved incredibly durable fingernails. And after pruning those tomatoes, I can't keep 'em clean! It's insane!

  11. Thank you so much for the cuticle tip! I have the WORST cuticles in the world! I literally look like I have been shucking oysters for a living and I have tried EVERYTHING to cure them. I am off to Walmart tomorrow to get the ointment. Again, thank you!

  12. I've always kept my nails super short. When I have any white on my nails I find that I cut myself (I get scabs all over my scalp; my scalp and hair is on the dry side so it itches fairly often) and everyone else I scratch. I've never had the patience to wait for nail polish to dry. The most I would do is use a buffing cream and pad to make them shiny. I don't like confrontation so when my brother was being cruel when we were younger I would subconsciously bite the same nail and after awhile it would not grow properly. I tried the Ask Cosmetics TIPS Solution on it and it fixed that issue. Also it kept my cuticles looking nice. I've been using a toxin free cuticle cream but it doesn't make my cuticles look as nice. It does make my nails shine though. My brother and I get along better since we've grown up.

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