March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Pulling the Roma Tomatoes and Replanting

The Roma tomatoes have really slowed down in production, so we decided to pull them. We harvested all the tomatoes from the plants, pulled the vines, and replanted where they were with butter beans.

14 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pulling the Roma Tomatoes and Replanting

  1. Very nice harvests Lea!! Y'all are gardening machines!! The corn looked pretty decent i hope mine turns out half that good!! Mmm that plate of food sure does look good!! Growing up fried green tomatoes was like a treat, i think us kids fought over them more than anything else lol!! Hope you get a great harvest of beans and peas to come!!
    Have a good'nnn

  2. Nice update! Just one question, how do you cook the green tomatoes? I mean I know you fry them, but it looks like there is some breading on this. I have never has a fried green tomato, just curious! Dang you guys stay busy!!!

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