March 26, 2025

VIDEO: 10 Nutrient-Dense Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden

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Fresh, homegrown fruits and vegetables are packed full of nutrients which help to boost health and give us that feel-good glow. But which are the best?

All crops are not created equal, and some are even better for you than others.

In this short video we discuss the benefits of 10 of the most nutritious crops you can grow in your garden.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: 10 Nutrient-Dense Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden

  1. This year I planted chinese cabbage and it just went straight into flowering/seeds. are there things I might have done wrong? did I plant it too soon or too late? could there be something wrong with the soil I put them in? They grew really fast and good at first but then they just didn't turn into cabbages but got long stalks with flowers. It did work out for my caterpillar problem because I could not use the cabbage anymore I just picked up all caterpillars from my other plants and put them on there to eat and grow while leaving the rest of my veggies alone.

  2. I would add beets to the list as well as leek and sun chokes. Cucumbers are also a great and we have them in our green house this year.

  3. Was so glad to hear Garlic had Manganese in it. I have a memory problem because was born with Aspergers Syndrome. Please make a video with LOTS of gardening info for those of us with all different forms of Autism. Thank you so much.

  4. Wonderful and inspiring! I personally love okra and my six plants in my tiny square foot garden this year provided me with a constant supply throughout the growing season, which was heavenly.

  5. Summer squash is impossible to grow when you have the vine borer like we do in SW Florida.
    Oh, and for you folks lucky enough to live in milder climates like I do, moringa blows every conventional vegetable away for vitamin and mineral content. I eat the stuff daily. It grows like it's from a tree. Oh wait, it is a tree. lol

  6. I guess this is one of the benefits of having your own garden: that you have no excuse for not having greens on the plates. I have started with what I love the most aka tomato and mesclun. Never tried kale in my life but I am getting curious now.

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