BEST # 1 TIP for Building Soil for all Vegetables Gardens = Deep Mulch, Wood Chips, No Till..Part 2 of 2. Garden soil improvement.
VIDEO: BEST # 1 TIP for Building Soil for all Vegetable Gardens = Deep Mulch, Wood Chips, No Till..
BEST # 1 TIP for Building Soil for all Vegetables Gardens = Deep Mulch, Wood Chips, No Till..Part 2 of 2. Garden soil improvement.
I really enjoy your channel. I have taken some of your methods and incorporated them into my garden practices. You are a wealth of knowledge. I look forward to seeing my soul build.
What should you do with the Buckwheat after it matures?
Great video! I just made a soil video a few days ago, so its good to hear another point of view. Really enjoyed it
The wood chips are awesome! I'm going to be enlarging muhh garden next year. The bad thing is I have to go and get wood chips from the dump. My truck bed isn't that big, so that's a lot of trips. I'll be starting that as soon as we move our horse over here and putting hers and the chickens and ducks manure down then the wood chips. I'm loving how much moisture they hold in, and how much better my garden is doing this year.
Mark, how are you using wood chips now?
Another great video! Thank you soooooo much:)
Enjoy your videos I have a wood chips garden having problems with crabgrass is there something I can do
Question? If I don't have other seeds to sow right now should I just let the weeds grow? It would be a living root in the ground and I would love to stop pulling them every day.
It rained hard bro. Bridgeton just got flooded big time.
Hi, Mark. Love the free woodchips. So happy for you. Good luck with the new bean crop. Will the rye not out grow it?
So how does one properly allow crops and 'weeds' to grow without hurting the crop's nutrition? We have been taught that your plants will be forced to compete with weeds for nutrients. Yet it makes perfect sense that covering soil is good for water retention and to avoid desertifying effects. What is the proper balance between the two, or does the amount of weeds matter?
I keep watching your videos and thinking, "Could I just plant veggies in with the grass in my yard?" I have been using wood chips for a few years now and they are great, but I hope to grow a larger garden soon where there is grass now. Might this work, better or similar to woodchips?
Mark thankyou for your videos, I have some container gardening and I applied all these principals and it works! the plants and micro organisms require monitoring for moisture if you're growing cucumbers…I tell folks its' companion planting. God Bless you and your family.
Why don't the cover crops compete with your crops for nutrients?
Nice demonstration Mark. So are you going to continue with your nematode inoculation practices? and thank you for taking the time to educating us.
Love your vids. You seem to have the technique for healthy soil. I have 1.5 acres of hilly red clay around my new home. Builder was supposed to scrape up all my rich topsoil and pile it up. Didn't happen… So, plan to sod a 20' "fire buffer" around the house and plant the rest w/ winter rye, buckwheat covering it with a thin layer of hay. Keep it mowed (with a hedge trimmer back to 6" now and then. When the soil fertility improves, I'll plant a 1/2 acre garden back of the house. QUESTION: Any experience w/ adding diakon radishes as a cover plant? Supposedly covers quickly and "drills soil" Also the greens are edible…
Soil is the best!
Check out my gardening videos on my channel!
Because the cover crop or wood chips keeps the soil cool, doesn't it also delay the soil from heating up in the spring to start crops?
in a pinch cardboard works wonders, ugly to look at but earthworms love the stuff. i use it along with curbside leaves, pinestraw whatever is free. we remodeled the 2nd largest public school in louisiana and i got over 100 2×4 cardboard boxes that the new ceiling lights came in.
Talk We'eds we have a pesky weed in Eastern Oregon it's quite dry here less than 10" of rain here How do you control Bermuda grass here it has quite the network That will grow 4' deep
We also have tumbleweeds cheat grass knot grass Barnyard grasses are bad
You describe and inform very well. However, being one of many that works with the celsius scale I would have like a little addition of you clicking the button on your thermometer back and forth just to easily let us know the conversion while we listened
it would be good to put links to part1 / part 2 in the description box. Otherwise it is difficult to find those videos. Also it would be good to make a video from spring to autumn. So one can see everyting in one video. Now I don't know how you prepared the soil, and how it will look like later, when the weeds and cover crops start growing more than the beans. You understand? Everything in one video. I'm very interested in this, want to know how I can apply it in my garden, with all the perennial weeds. Watching a short video here and there doesn't give me the needed information.
What is dry bean?
So I'm confused about weeds. Inn your video with the peach teas you say that weeds are not good because they don't support mycrrorizal activity. In this video you say weeds have a bad name but actually tho help the soil web. Can you clarify it please. We conferred half of pure yard (clay and shake) with leaf mulch. My husband wants to get rid of the emerging weeds, I say leave them till we plant cover crop on the fall. What's your advice?
You also want to mention the air pockets are created at a rate that fungal can also grow as opposed to tilling
Someone said it nicely , soil biology inc worms love the same conditions we do .. 75 deg f and moisture ..not too wet not to dry ..not too hot not too cold
I think the language is important , coverage is not so much just the cover its also the root density for microbes to work and live so low lying coverage doesnt just insulate it also penetrates and provides root area .. My experience tells me both insulation targeting 75 deg f and….root area are the two factors
I would probably rate insulation and temperature target is more important than roots because fungi will grow and over time so too will low lying roots systems
Thank you.