This week on Allotment Grow How we launch the Monster Beetroot Challenge. Just grow a big or ugly beet and we will pull the specimens up on Halloween… feel free to get creative with your beet if it’s not a big one, dress it up, paint a face on it, turn it into a zombie, monster or a vampire. There are no prizes … but you could use it in your Halloween display to scare the Trick or Treaters.
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I'll give the monster beet root a try…. now to plant some more.
ill give the monster beet a go adam, got some seedlings on the go, ill give it a try but i must warn you this is my first year of growing vegetables . i'm trying to grow the plum tomatoes not got the fruit on them yet but plenty of flowers.
We got the storm 3.00 am this morning woke me up with a crash, hailstones as big as ping pong balls. Tunbridge Wells got it really bad. Sarpo Mira, grew those last year did not like the taste. Change that. Liked other types better. Desiree top of the like table. All potato reveals are about quantity and size I want to know, taste, does it resist boiling away, can you chip it. There we go moan over. Love beetroot, just sown some Bulls Blood on that Grumpy gardeners rrecommendation Again, need a taste testing chart. Made gooseberry fool last week the boss did not like it. As we speak made some more to Delias recipe Does not like that one. Cant win. There's no fool like a good fool from Tesco. Take care Mike B
I'm in on some monster beet root:) You really should do a bloopers/out takes vid. Seriously…it would be hilarious:))
are we using beets we already have in or sowing new ones as iv just sown some today?
I hope that spray keeps the rabbit away so you can get most of the veggies your growing
My beets went south this year, not sure why. Great looking garlic. Looks dry there, guess you could use a little rain.
I think you dig hem too early—we dig potatos in late august or september.
Hi Adam – nice crop from your plot. I'm up for the monster beetroot challenge so count me in. Take care. Nick
Another fine vid my friend. People expect too much from potatoes. If one spud planted returns six in 90-100 days then how good is that? All beetroot are monsters, yuk! I'll chat with Mrs. Coleman and see if she want's to enter it.
Now then Elmer, is that Wabbit Wepellent Working?
This year has been so dry, quite a few seem to be struggling
The rain has finally hit here though, so hopefully it will perk things up.
I'm in for the monster beet challenge too
Well done again Adam. Nice harvest. Best wishes Bob.
Hi Adam, good luck with your beetroot and the bunny repellant. Dave,
I was t to grow some next year. Enjoyed your video.
Some good produce there mate despite the bunnies. Ahh the joys of film making – take 26… lol…
My potatoes look just like yours this year. Don't hold much hope. Your garlic is awesome though and your salad etc. I will look forward to the monster beet results
Good day Adam !! Fantastic update and plot tour of your allotment !! Great looking harvest !! Nice blooms on your flowers !! Thanks for sharing
The garlic look big. I've ginger in too, and the turmeric is ready to go in.
Hey Adam, I hope the repellent works… Sorry that your expectations of the spuds didn't match up, but I'm sure they tasted good. At least you had great garlic this year. I cringed at the thought of the tomatoes going to waste… I must send you seeds for a white variety to try. They are not as acidic as the red ones. (tomato pusher, yeah I know..) T
Your soil need water. Maybe add in some organic matter into the top 6 inches of soil. Tom are a San Marzano type, used for sauce or canning. Also make great salsa.