This is how I build a Hugelkultur raised bed vegetable garden or in other words mound culture/hill culture whereby soil is mounded over logs, sticks, and other organic materials to create a superior growing area for fruit and vegetables.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started SSM in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
If you're in the USA and looking for a similar raised bed check out this one Lots of people ask me where to buy something similar to the raised beds I often show in my videos, unfortunately, high sided raised garden beds are not as common in the USA as they are here in Oz but hopefully in the future there will be more options. If you know of other retailer/s in the USA who do stock high sided raised beds (about waist high and especially the rounds ones) no matter what they are made of please send me a message and let me know so I can share it with others. Cheers
I was planning on building another today. How fitting.
Logik-kultur, wiel besser.
I know hard-core peppers in Texas, three families together, that use this process. They all swear by it.
Do the logs have to be dry? Can they be freshly cut green logs?
Very good Mark. Very interesting. Where did you get the curly tin ?
Do you have some type of barrier at the bottom of the raised bed or just put it on top of grass then plop the logs,etc on top of the grass? I just got my first berties bed and want to get it going like yours. I won’t put gravel down for drainage; just the logs, rubbish and twigs.
What is the dumb idea behind putting the camera as far as possible. You have to talk with the camera person a quick shot of your beautiful garden is fine but keep it to a quick shot.
That is awesome! I will definitely use this method when I build my asparagus raised bed! Thank you Sir!!!
I was taught this in highschool and i didn't even know, wow. Well California is not only known for being the crappiest state in American, but also the most agricultural.
Why put in such high containers if filling them is wasteful? Is it just for standing-height convenience?
i using this method for a big pot just finished a deep watering to help fill-in the gaps and to make sure the plants will have enough to drink, going compost and some peppers plants in it tomorrow
Hi Mark, I live in a suburb around Melbourne and am about to start my first hugelkultur raised garden bed. Which type of wood should I line the bed, for example, gumtrees, pine etc?
Trust Google to decipher Hüglekultur as Google Culture as Facebook prepares subtitles automatically.
What is Mobotallor Secrets? I've noticed several amazing things about this increase height secrets.
What are some ways to achieve the height that you desire? I read many superb reviews on the net about how exactly Mobotallor Secrets can help you grow taller fast naturally. Has anybody tried using this grow taller system?
What is Mobotallor Secrets? We have noticed numerous amazing things about this increase height system.
I read plenty of good reviews on the net about how exactly Mobotallor Secrets can assist you exceed your natural height. Has anyone tried using this increase height method?
If ANYONE has access to a plentiful supply of manure then there is No need for this . What do you say ?
But Why ? Why not just use horse and cow manure instead ? It is free and very plentiful and it breaks down to complete soil very quickly !
This is a great system. I came across this a few years ago. But I hadn't put it in to practice until last year. I started this at work, we are slow to get things working as I am based at s country training program.
What are your raised beds made from? If metal, how do you prevent it from rusting. If wood, how to prevent it from decaying?
Hi, I’ve been researching this method and apparently nitrogen loss is a problem? What do you think? Thanks
Welcome to Russell Crowe’s garden
The only thing that is questionable about this is the fact that that looks like eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is poison eucalyptus poisonous the ground and it won’t let things grow properly. I would choose anything other than eucalyptus. One thing that I also would do is I would wet things down as I go. Not wait till I have the bed full and then wet it down.Wetting it down starts to break everything down. Love this!
Love you Mark..I'm eating much better these days because of your good advice..
Thank you Mark for all these videos. We are planning to get into the self sufficient mode and you sure are one of the influencer for us