March 26, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Okra – Complete Growing Guide

How to grow Okra, everything you need to know! We were in a race to get this video filmed because of our battery dying and we wouldn’t be up at the cottage garden for another 3-4 weeks so I had to get it in quick!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Okra – Complete Growing Guide

  1. Please advice me,one of my okra plants has not produced any of the known fruit but has developed roundballs with thorns or rather looks likes thick spikes.What is that supposed to mean Luke?

  2. Hey People, Okra water will reverse Diabetes 2 , cut the ends off and discard put a slit in 4 pods and put in a pint of water, next morning drink the water. I went from 388 to 154 in two days using Okra water,. its now usually about 106 in the morning when I check it. if I stay away from sweets altogether it usually 96-94.

  3. Clay tends to be loaded with micronutrients, which is probably why the okra wants it. Of course the big three N-P-K are important, but so are the others that are less by volume and often neglected.

  4. I use a soaker hose throughout the garden and the okra is right in the middle. Since it doesn't like a lot of water will moving the hose away from the plants work since I can't remove the hose?

  5. HELP! My okra plants’ leaves are wilty and yellowing. I’ve tried everything! Nothing seems to work. I just got my first flower but it didn’t open. It dried and fell off. I’ve tried compost, feeding, water, and not watering. Idk what else to try. Oh and they’re in full sun and I put an organic anti disease/anti fungal on them. So idk why they’re like that. Any suggestions anyone? I’m in zone 8.

  6. I’ve seen huge bushy okra in a community garden in Chicago. I don’t know who grew it, but that plant was living like it home back in Africa. My goal with okra is to tap into it and find it’s secret beyond spindliness in the Midwest, cause I know it is possible.

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