March 26, 2025

VIDEO: 3 Simple Steps to Blight Free Tomatoes All Season

Tomatoes are the most popular home grown fruit in the world, however many home gardeners are plagued with blight. Blight is easy to control and prevent if you take the right steps, in this video we outline those steps for you!

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: 3 Simple Steps to Blight Free Tomatoes All Season

  1. Thank you for your videos–I find them so helpful. Would you please consider trimming your upper lip mustache in the middle crevise. The dark hair growth to me looks like "snot" coming out of your nose. I love your beard and mustache just hard to look at the middle crevise. Thank you for considering it. Again, I love your videos most helpful.

  2. I ordered from Amazon a biofungicide called "Serenade Garden. Disease control ready to spray"
    I use it before I plant and throughout the season. It gets into the soil, and attacks the fungus that causes blight.
    Its an all natural biofungicide that attacks harmful garden and lawn diseases.
    There's nothing worse than seeing your plants turn black. Literally overnight!!

  3. Great video, very informative ty! What if your tomato plant already developed a 2nd stem…thick stalk and all…too late to prune? Or suckers that are very thick wont harm the plant with the stem being so thick? Tia

  4. Hello very helpful gardener! I appreciate all your fabulous tips and oass them onto my family. This is my first year growing cauliflower. I gave them a good compost. The foi lage is large and impressive but the flowers don't seem to be growing as they should. Can you help me?

  5. Thanks for these brilliant videos. Following on from the baking soda spray – what do you make of using hydrogen peroxide? Also – just saw there's a technique using aspirin to trigger the natural SARS effect. Do you think we should mix up techniques?

  6. Very good advice but in the UK we often get so much rain in the summer often for days or even weeks at a time that we are told that we have to respray every time after a heavy downpour . This is very unpractical though because sometimes we can get 3 or 4 heavy downpours in a single day but hours apart .
    I will definitely try using your spray with the baking soda though . I didn’t know you could use that . It sounds great and so easy . We used to use a Bordeaux mixture for years which left the tomatoes looking kind of blue but in recent years they have stopped selling it so it has been very difficult to get hold of .
    Another thing I might try is giving the tomatoes more space next year and not have so many in each row so they will have that little bit of extra space and more air between them .

  7. Why did Bordeaux mix get banned? It seems the ingredients are natural and not absorbed by the plant. It's apparently the most effective fungicide against 'late' blight and many other fungal type diseases.

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