March 18, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Allamanda Plant With All Care Tips (Fast N Easy)

Allamanda plant is a perennial flowering vine noted for its leathery, dark green foliage and yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. It is grown as a potted plant or landscape ornamental.

A lover of sun, it needs lots of sunshine, so if possible, mimic nature and shade the plant but give the tips lots of maintain a southern exposure, which will provide an appropriately bright light level.
Train the allamanda vine against the trellis as soon as it is tall enough to reach it. Spread the vines across the trellis and twist them gently around the supports to encourage vertical and horizontal growth. Do not use ties to secure the stems because it may cause strangulation.
Spread a 2-inch-thick layer of lightweight organic mulch around the base of the allamanda vine to conserve soil moisture and discourage competitive weed growth. Leave a 2-inch gap between the mulch and the vine’s trunk to allow moisture to evaporate from the soil. Replace the mulch each spring.
Water the allamanda vine twice weekly to a 1-inch depth during summer. Let the soil surface dry out completely between waterings. Decrease water by half during winter and withhold all water during periods of wet, rainy or cold weather.
Feed the allamanda vine once weekly during the growing season, from spring until late summer. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of general-purpose, 10-10-10 fertilizer in 1 gallon of water. Replace one weekly watering with the fertilizer solution, applying the fertilizer solution to moist soil to prevent root burn.
Prune the allamanda vine in late winter or early spring to control its size and improve its appearance. Remove up to half the stem height. Prune out any crossed branches to improve air circulation among the interior branches, which will help prevent fungal infections in the foliage. Wear gloves when working with allamanda vines.
Watch for signs of iron chlorosis such as yellow-veined foliage and a general lack of vigor. Treat chlorotic allamanda vines with a commercially prepared iron chelate foliar spray. Spray the foliage monthly during the growing season and discontinue use if blackened leaves develop.
Watch for signs of insect pests such as mites, mealybugs and scales. Symptoms include cottony matter on the twigs, damaged leaves and stem die-back. Treat insect infestations with a liberal application of insecticidal soap every seven to 10 days until the insects are gone.
Protect allamanda vines from the cold if a frost is forecast. Cover the plant with burlap and keep the soil moist to increase radiant warmth from the ground. Move container-grown allamanda vines under a porch or to a warm, bright room indoors until all frost danger has passed.
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Allamanda Plant With All Care Tips (Fast N Easy)

  1. Bhai… I planted an allamanda blanchetii about a month ago, in the ground. It is not growing at all. It is as same as it was before, neither growing taller, nor producing flowers, nor leaves turning pale/ yellow…what happened to my plant? What should I do?

  2. It is already april but my orange colored allamanda is still dormant even after applying potash and good sunlight…what do I do? Plss help…( I bought it in November last year and it is still the same)

  3. Thanks for the video. I am in North India and weather is hot but my allamanda leaves droop every morning and are back to normal when it sees sun. Is this normal? Also since I got it from nursery it has dropped lot of leaves and lot of stems are not without any leaf, should I cut these stems?

  4. I purchased fullly grown allamanda in 10 inch pot a month back, kept it in sun and regularly watered. Temperature has been around 30-40 degree C but all the leaves have dried and plants seems to not reviving. Please help what should I do to revive it?

  5. Hello bhaiya, my alamanda plant is very weak and the flowers and leaves turn yellow and keep falling off! They are alive.. but extremely weak, what is the solution for this?

  6. Hi sir, my allamanda has no leaves at the moment, I made a mistake while pruning. But I have given it vermicompost+ DAP and cow dung composte. Will it regrow leaves? Please help

  7. We have an allomanda climber kept over the front portico. This plant is about 10 years old. We want to maintain and improve this climber. We want your email id so that we can send a pictures of the climber.

  8. Help -I have Allamanda cathartica 'williamsii' golden trumpet – i can't get to grow roots – it grows pretty fast but it is weak — i've tried different containers and soil — today i switched from a light seed starter soil which stays moist to a heavier soil similar to the video – also changed from plastic pot to clay — this is a largeflower like your video – it lives on a bright screen porch — did not like intense sun so know just good light – this is usually a good grower on a bright window sill – the grower was no help because they are in ne usa — florida where i am is a completely different animal – i also added a little rooting powder this time around – perhaps prayer and meditation — thanks

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