Let’s do an awesome potato reveal. Today we tip open the tub that had the Jazzy seed potatoes planted in it. A variety that we haven’t grown or tasted before.
If you’ve never grown potatoes in containers before, why not give them a go, you can get some great results. There’s nothing better than home grown potatoes and is step towards being self sufficient.
Potato harvests are one of my favourite things about growing vegetables.
If you’ve liked this potato reveal video you may be interested to see another, please click on the link.
WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hP8DIw0CC8
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#potatoreveal #gardeninguk #potatoharvest
those ants look like they are developing wings.
Nice. Nowt to moan about there. What compost were they growing in?
Hi Adam, so pleased you were happy with the 'taters'.They are not a large variety as you can see but they are OK on the plate. Dave
Hi, great stuff few meals worth nice
not another spud reveal the joy
Great harvest and the price was right. Best wishes Bob.
Hi Adam, I had a brilliant crop. I emptied the last bucket last week, and also, your sis was very pleased with the ones I gave her. I will be buying that variety again next year so I will see that you get some. Dave.
nice harvest, I did well with jazzy last year
Nice haul of new potatoes Adam. Take care. Nick
Hi Adam, Jazzy are one of my try out potatoes which we tested in the kitchen last Saturday. 9 and 10 are my assessments the others are my wife's,
1. To Peel 6,
2. A bit of boiling away in cooking 4.
3. Straight out of pan, flowery 6
4. Taste, Have tasted better 5
5. Waxy We like waxy but not a fair test no score allocated.
6. Does it Mash well? still to test
7, Does it roast? because its flowery probably very good still to test
8.Does it chip? ours came out big which is untypical so probably will.
9. Would I grow as a crop? probably not 5
10. Resistance to pests. Two of the spuds had wire worm damage, no blight.
Your comments would be appreciated particularly for a substitute for item 5
Take care Mike B
Abundant little buggers, aren't they! That's a great harvest in my books:)
Great stuff Adam, I've never herds of Jazzy potatoes before, But i bet they would go just fine with some finney haddock and peas…
Nice haul Adam. They look a good size
Fantastic potato reveal !! Thanks for sharing
Hey Adam, nice harvest… good for a meal or two… T
lovely update thank you for sharing
good harvest .fresh and new potatoes.new potatoes taste great.thanks for sharing.and a new subscriber.
Old harvest potatoes r great and it taste sweet
I'll tell you what,if you were down here in Texas and fire ants were what have got in your pot,they would have eat you up before you pulled the first potatoes out of that pot. Glad you've got those mild ants where you live,lol
جيد جدا
Nice amount of taters there, unfortunately ants seem to love potato beds or potato pots
Ha ha this just came up in the feed.. got a good haul there mate
Wish someone would gift me some seed taters
Always love a good potato and ants nest reveal!
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That petatos is smaal but nice to have it in a rost or even a stews