March 26, 2025


The Permaculture Food Forest is in its 5th year now and the fruit production is now at the next level. Every year the soil gets better, the fruit gets tastier, and the trees get healthier. A system like this, a food forest is the kind of system that will take care of you.






  1. Cool video, James. I've been mulching and layering wood chips for several years and it's great for building and protecting soil among other things but I've found consistently layering wood chips as well as inhibiting weeds also inhibits volunteer plants growing from seeds dropped the previous season. I also noticed the plants not as well suited to my soil and climate, like the one tomato variety you pointed out gradually adapted and strengthened over the generations if I allowed growth of volunteer plants. I still apply lots of mulch but only after the plants have grown somewhat so I don't drown out the possible volunteer plants.

  2. First of all your garden is super awesome, I am organic gardener to, and I also had problems with bugs eating fruit, but I found out in organic solution, if it is snails and slugs spray strong coffee all over the fruit, They can't process caffeine,so they will start to eat but then soon fall off, if it is flying bugs, boil dry clove flower until the water turn dark, then spray, make sure you refrigerate or it will spoil, also I notice yellow tomatoes like to be planted in 4's(4 plants a few inches from each other),and in the shade.

  3. The food forest is looking amazing in late July, James! How many square feet is the food forest? Wow, those peaches! Have you done a video on how you prune peach trees? I let my dwarf peach tree grow without pruning since I planted it in the spring of 2016 and it's getting way bigger than I expected.

  4. Incredible man! I live in Orange County, NY. I'll definitely be subscribing and tuning in for tips! I'm a beginner and have run into a lot of problems.

  5. This is the life I crave for, but so hard for me living in Toronto. The season is too short. I really need to eat organic and chemical free. My health is number ONE, but the pkace we live can make such an compact on our happiness and health! I only can wish for this life style!

  6. What do you do about peach scab that bug that sucks the sap .They cover my trees every year  . One year I had washed my trees with a sponge and dish soap to knock them off. Which helped but cant get them all . HELP or advice from anyone is welcomed.   I am at a loss

  7. Fine forest! Pear is sick rust on leaves. Looks like there's not enough light. I have the same thing in the cherry-plum wood from an infected neighbor tree. How do you solve this problem or not?

  8. I want to do currents and gooseberries but there's some white pine blight problem? I've heard there are resistant varieties! Where can I find legal currants or gooseberries…North Carolina?

  9. What do you do with the food you can’t eat, can or dry? If you don’t already, may I make a suggestion? Sell it at a Farmers Market, local health food store, donate to local shelters and families who can’t afford to buy organic food. I love your channel and videos. I’m starting my “Mini Food Forest” next spring (2020). I have seedlings growing all over my kitchen! I’m working on a little spot just outside my back doorstep that I will plant my garden. I have chickens and will use their “special” organic fertilizer for my garden. I am archiving your videos so I can reference them when I start planting my “Mini Food Forest”. I’m so excited!

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