Today on Allotment Grow How we pull the onions and look for a potential winner in the Big Onion Challenge. This involves an onion grown from a standard variety set.
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Nice big ones! Great update added to our allotment playlist.
If everyone went around burning their garbage, statistically there would be even more fires on a regular basis. Everyday on the news there is a catastrophic fire here in Canada, and that's even with these being illegal. Obviously you are smart and responsible and wont have any problems, but mistakes happen and if everyone did it will happen more often. There is also the pollution caused by those things. They release foul odor and pollute the air quality, a garden is supposed to smell like pollen and fresh air not ash and sulfur. There's a reason why they are banned, it's not just for no reason.
Great onions! My monster beetroot is coming on a treat btw
Fires – we have no houses at all, and can have them all year but only on calm days so it doesn't drift across the road – seems silly if there are only a couple of houses nearby. Surely if they are asked if people can have fires so long as they don't do it on blustery days, if they say yes, then what is to stop you (other than committee tape of course )
That's a respectable onion you have there! Good luck to you and your competitors, I'm looking forward to finding out who gets the crown for this year. We don't have allotments over here, the closest thing is our community gardens, and they are a joke compared to what you folks have going on. We can't have the site again the following year, so no permanent structures or greenhouses. I am not a fn of over regulation, so I'm on your side of this quarrel. I really need to up my flower game, those look fantastic! Have a great day, Ryan:))
We have the same rule on fires at our allotment. It is annoying but we are surrounded by houses so i understand why…nice onions
Also iv mentioned your channel in my next video after coming across my neighbours will be up in about 20mins
Hi Adam, plot holders on our site do have bonfires not certain what the rules are if any, could look them up I suppose. The tenant of the next plot to mine has a chest problem so I don't light any fires out of respect. The electric boards office workers object to smoke during office hours so that's an understandable reason. So most fires are at weekends and for myself I have had a fire, latish in the evening with no one about. Don't think I will beat your onion they are not quite ready but there may be an odd big one. We will see. Have you seen or doing anything for National Allotment Week? Take care Mike B
Great Onions there Adam. That s a fantastic Big one. (almost 4 inches dia.) It's always interesting to see what other allotment people are doing. Cheers Patrick
Nice tour, Adam. Screw the incinerator police. Lovely onions. Shared on G+.
Great video again Adam. The 1 hasn't gone to seed yet, do I have to pull now or can I leave it a few more weeks? Yours is certainly impressive. I will email you about my thoughts on the fire, obviously we have a very different take on such things over here. No need to be jealous of the dahlias next door, just enjoy them, they are there for you too. Love the editing on the onion pulling, great job again, a pleasure to watch.
We have burning bans and restrictions on quantities and items that can be burned here (Wisconsin/USA). It's dependent on the municipality. Some outright ban burning of yard/garden waste, others require a permit from the fire dept with a specific date and time allowed. More rural areas just require a yearly, zero-cost burning permit with a dial-in line that will inform the caller if burning is permitted that day. I do agree with you on the bureaucracy of it all though. A person can have large charcoal pit going. Roasting a pig that is spilling fat onto the coals creating soot that lands everywhere in an urban setting and be within the realm of what's legal. While someone else could have a controlled burning barrel where they're disposing of dried, untreated organic matter and be issued a citation. Both have the potential to get out of hand and destroy, both create smoke, both emit odors that some might find unpleasant, yet one is acceptable and the other is not. It's all part of that nanny-state we're living in where we can no longer simply tell someone to "do what's right and not be irresponsible"
On our site you can burn year round but not anything daft like plastics or your old mattress from home or anything lol
I don't agree with the fire rule either. Tree lily sounds awesome. Best wishes Bob.
Hi Adam, Good luck with the Big Onion Challenge. We have a similar rule for burning but if we can get on very early in the morning we burn then before everyone is up & about. Nice lily by the way, we planted 6 tree lilies this year but they haven't flowered yet. Nice update pal.
I also find the fir laws ridiculous. we have Japanese knotweed on site and it is illegal to move it the local council skips refuse rubbish from our site because of this weed. burning is the ONLY answer………….brian
I think I must have missed the onion challenge – is there still time? We still have some Mammoth ones in the soil but to be honest we're just thrilled they haven't got rot – might try measuring some. Shame about the fire rule – no ones ever said anything to us but we've only had a couple. Mind you they've just built a housing estate behind us so they might start to clamp down a bit more. Get that puffball sliced and fried in some garlic butter – delicious!
Hi, no tears with those onions they look good I did quite well with my onions, first time I've grown them. Thanks for the video.
well done Adam.ill have to have another look at the rules about burning on our allotment .
Hello Adam !! Fantastic looking onion harvest, now your "ONE" it's a outstanding looking onion and it looks superb but I think Mr Coleman has you beat by a whisker but will see !! I agree with you on the fire because your so far in the middle of nowhere and the fire was contained in the fire bin it Mr jobs worth all over again !! Now if you left your plot with pile of stuff everywhere they would soon slap you with a letter saying tidy up or else !! A fire helps people keep there plot tidy as they can get rid of the rubbish as they go !! Thanks for sharing
Hey Adam, best of luck on the onion challenge. Love the tree lily and dahlia blooms, T
nice onion—make some french onion soup
I just got back from western Canada where I had a chance to meet William Coleman and his "The 1". Good size
Good size onions Adam.
Here we are not allowed to burn anything, except a bbq, between 14. of april and 14. of october, but that is here in Norway. I think you should take into the consideration of a possible forest/bush fire too.
we can have fires any time of year, but must be after 6 pm
Hi. Adam. I. Do. Fire. Any. Time. Of. The. Year.. Just. Doit.