June 26, 2024

VIDEO: One Year Old Cabbage Stored in Crisper Home Grown Long Term Storage & Organic

Here’s how we store our cabbage long term in the fridge crisper. There’s nothing hard or tricky about it except that it’s best-stored whole as head, to begin with, and then cut it as needed. Obviously, keeping the cabbage for this long is a bit dramatic and it’s best eaten within several months but this does demonstrate how longer term storage is possible if needed.

Fermenting crock as seen in video here on Amazon: https://bit.ly/2tXuqa0

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started SSM in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark ๐Ÿ™‚

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: One Year Old Cabbage Stored in Crisper Home Grown Long Term Storage & Organic

  1. Hi everyone! Just wanted to point out a few obvious things about the video. Firstly, yes it's best to eat the cabbage as soon as possible and within a few months but I wanted to post this rather "sensationalised" video just to demonstrate how longer term storage is actually a possibility! Secondly, I didn't fully explain the initial way to store the cabbage so here it is… It's best to store the heads whole (initially) as they last better than cut into pieces, quartered, or shredded. Obviously, as you begin to use the cabbage then pieces will be cut off to use as you saw in the video – cutting the cabbage head will shorten its overall storage ability. Finally, thank you all for your generous support! All the best, Mark ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Those cabbages look great! Do you have a problem with cabbage moths? If so what is your strategy for dealing with them. My problem is horrible and I use BT but they still eat the sh@t out my cabbage.

  3. definitely like the short imprompto videos. this is useful information. Just now because of this video I realized there isnยดt any need to do succession cropping with cabbage ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. This is my first time growing red cabbage and I must say it taste wonderful. I planted early and harvested in late June. I still have some in my crisper and it looks as fresh as the day I picked it… I'm glad I watched your video because now I know it is and still will be good to eat for months to come. Keep the videos coming and thanks for sharing. PS. the chicken soup looks delicious.

  5. What you say is so obvious it almost makes me feel stupid! But, as you say, there is very little discoloration on most cabbages in the fridge even after it's been cut. Does it help to wrap them in a bit of paper towel and then in the plastic bag?

  6. Hey Mark, don't worry: I love those impromptu vids! Just like we do ourselves: we get an idea, and just let it out for others to enjoy or even learn from ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. no no no no no cabbage or any other vegetables in plastic bags in the crisper; you will end up with a mushy, smelly mess. if you must use plastic bags, turn them inside out every time you use the vegetable.. this keeps the bag dry on what becomes the inside, celery, carrots, cabbage, lettuce all will fare well if one reverses the plastic bag ever time you take the vegetable out of the bag.

  8. Hi Mark, I am enjoying all of your videos,,,You won't be hearing me complain! I do have a request though: If you have made a video about how you make fermented mini tomatoes I haven't found it. So please send me a link. If you haven't made one, and if it becomes convenient, please do… and I'll be grateful. Thank you for all your work on your channels, You bring me, and maybe many other people, a beam of Aussie Sunshine, Julia

  9. Mark,
    When I was watching this video
    a Second time ? at time stamp 1:33 what is the wooden hole in the center of your garden bed for? I never noticed it before.
    Is there a gardening use..
    Thank you
    Linda from Ct

  10. Hey perfect, I'm in Southern Alberta, CANADA and have learned a lot from you sir. This is very on point as I just pulled in 12 gorgeous red cabbage, as it's snowing today. Also want to experiment with fermenting this year, will check your channel for that. thanks mate!

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