If you would like to know how to get a massive harvest of limes from the one tree then this is the video to watch! I give my 5 top tips on how to increase lime production. Let’s get into it!
Buy organic citrus fertiliser on Amazon: https://bit.ly/2udEhIG
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started SSM in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
What do you think of exceed your natural height using Mobotallor Secrets? I notice a lot of people keep on speaking about Mobotallor Secrets.
How long does lime trees take to bear fruits from seed ?
Great advise.!
Any one tried the Mobotallor Secrets (do a search on google)? We have heard several awesome things about this grow taller method.
As expert, I do think Mobotallor Secrets is good way to exceed your natural height. Why not give it a shot? perhaps it will work for you too.
I read lots of superb opinions on the internet about how exactly Mobotallor Secrets will help you grow 4 inches taller. Has anyone tried this grow taller secrets?
Is Mobotallor Secrets effective to exceed your natural height? We have learn many good things about this grow taller method.
What are some ways to exceed your natural height? I read loads of superb reviews on the internet about how Mobotallor Secrets can help you increase your height fast naturally. Has anyone tried this increase height method?
You spray your trace elements in the sunshine I see, the tree takes none of them up in sun. Try spraying early morning before leaves heat up or right before dark.
I love lime juice squeezed over raw beetroot.
Thank you for stressing not using chemicals/pesticides in the garden! Love you show – such a pleasure to watch and very informative. Thanks again!
Great info. A buddy of mine successfully grows fruit trees from seed. He gave me one if his lime trees but I haven't been able to get it to fruit yet. I appreciate you posting this.
When is it best to add the trace elements Mark.
l have citrus trees in the Mary Valley, Conondale.
Thanks for the great information.
Your each tip worth priceless
Just put in 3 new citrus, thanks for the tips Mark. I'm going to…. get into it.
I need help I want to plant lime trees like yours but I do honey bees will these limes be poisonous to them? I'm in sc just north of Georgia in the center in zone 8a! I have mild winters very rare it ever had any snow but have means to protect them! I have sandy loamy soil pH level 6-7.5 have brown orange clay in few feet down! Water holds well an have good drainage! I want to plant 60 limes 60 Myers lemons and 500 blue berries bushes! I need help I love fruit trees and wan to plant my fruit orchard my dream!
Would Neem oil help with disease or pest? Ps I love your trees! I bought a burnt down mobile home lot and clearing it off! I then bought more land of a total of five aces! All will be acres of fruit trees!
I would have loved had he just said Are you not entertained while spreading his arms
Russell Crowe had a career change
Thank you so much for your great tips on growing a Lime tree! I have a beautiful lime tree & it fruits about over 500 limes a year! You see I live in Asia & we have a lot of rain! But we don’t water at all during the hot season. This makes the lime tree perform better. Oh by the way, I make lime pickle with my limes. It’s very delicious!