March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Our Biggest Organic Onion Harvest EVER – When & How to Harvest + Processing Onions for Storage

We grew 50 pounds of onion in just 20 square feet. That is absolutely insane.
How to grow big onions:
How to grow big onions Blog post:
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Our Biggest Organic Onion Harvest EVER – When & How to Harvest + Processing Onions for Storage

  1. Whoa, dirt can be black? the dirt here is a pastel gritty clay, the onions don't seem to mind as long as they're in the shade and I water them once every few weeks… I learned the hard way that watering them more than weekly kills them… if I understand correctly, the reason why I don't need to water them very often is potentially because of a fungal relationship, the fungus acts as extra roots and water storage and fights off pathogens, the plant in return gives the fungus carbohydrates, as far as the native ecology goes this is apparently about 20% of the carbohydrates, I don't know about the onions though.

  2. I want to start a small garden next year this will be my first time doing so any advice you can give me? and what's the best vegetables for a first-timer to grow?

  3. Love your videos haha but 87 too hot?!? Lol here in Sacramento CA we’re out working in like 108 degree weather hahahaha. Although most of us would freeze and die in your winters, so it all relative lol

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