March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Abundant & Established Small-Scale Permaculture Food Forest

This Forest Garden is only a third of an acre, however when you walk through it you are surrounded by an abundance of diversity and food. The Forest Garden was created by Tim and Maddy Harland who founded Permaculture Magazine and have been observing the successes and failures since it was planted. I decided to travel to Hampshire in England to take a closer look and share what they are doing. I think this is a fantastic example that you really don’t need a huge amount of space for a beautiful paradise which not only provides productivity in food but also productivity for wildlife to thrive. If this interests you the take a look at these links:

PermacultureMedia Forest Garden Playlist:
Creating a Forest Garden Book:
How to Make a Forest Garden Book:

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Abundant & Established Small-Scale Permaculture Food Forest

  1. Just found this, 2 years late lol! This couple are brilliant! Very good to camera, so informative and easy to watch. More please!

  2. "It's just down to intuition and common sense to learn forest gardening."
    Our species lost touch with our natural innate senses when these large corporate companies sold us convenience: low cost, low quality "food." It has slowly eroded our connection with mother nature and all of the other beings that inhabit it working cooperatively and symbiotically together with the earth.
    Permaculture, Seed saving, Syntropic Farming, Community… this is the solution that was already there to begin with(Native Americans).
    Nature is our true teacher, healer and Life giver!

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