March 27, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Question Tag

I was tagged by Emma at Misfit Gardening and Kent at Blessed Farm. This is the 5 Question tag. In this tag you are supposed to answer the following 5 questions:
1. What three channels influenced you the most?
2. What three things are you excited for?
3. What three things are you good at?
4. What are four things that help you relax?
5. What five other channels would you like to tag to answer these

I tagged the following channels:
Zule@Little Bean’s Garden:
Bart @ Bart Kolodziejczak:
Gear @ Geargriden19:
Timothy Lewis:
Nika @ Backtomyroots Homestead:

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Question Tag

  1. Good to see you back Lea! I am sure you have been consumed with school, so I understand. Very nice tag video, now we have learned a little more about you and Al! Thanks for tagging me…..I think 😉 I will give those questions some thought before I make a video so I can give some cogent answers. Glad to see that your girl is doing well. I see she still prefers the roof of the coop, has she ever integrated any better with the other girls??? She looks big enough to kick some chicken butt these days!!!

  2. I can imagine the school year will keep you busy! Great video Lea and a lovely tour around the garden! It was lovely to find out more about you. You've inspired me to get out and walk a bit more!

  3. Say it however you want to say it, as long as you're havin' a good'n LOL!! Oh no on being tagged, i'm bad at taking forever to do tags lol!! Great tag answers and great to see a video from ya!! Maybe she wishes she were a boy heh!! I'll get around to doing the tag video one of these days, you might have to remind me a time or two heh i'm ready for winter layoff end of October!! Have a good'nnn

  4. Great idea Lea. I've always liked BBC for wildlife videos! A few of my friends got me into YouTube!! I hope to be able to do more fishing videos in the future!! Have a great day!!

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