June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Incredibly Productive No Dig Garden (Charles Dowding's 1/4 Acre of Abundance)

Charles Dowding’s method of growing food is perhaps one of the most inspiring methods out there. He has developed his own style of no dig vegetable growing through his use of compost and the results really do speak for themselves. I decided to go and take a look at Homeacres to see what he is doing and to find out a bit more about no dig. I hope this video will inspire you to find out more, and these links will be useful for that:

Charles’ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1J6siDdmhwah7q0O2WJBg/feed

Charles’ Website: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/

No Dig Organic Home and Garden Book: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/product/no-dig-organic-home-garden/

Creating a New Vegetable Garden Book: http://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/product/how-to-create-a-new-vegetable-garden/

Filmed and Edited by Huw Richards.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Incredibly Productive No Dig Garden (Charles Dowding's 1/4 Acre of Abundance)

  1. Plants like to be close because they are supporting each other by roots and any other not scientyficaly proven methods. Its befor 7am I cant start my english :D.

  2. I'm all for gardening alternatives. To be fair the idea of the no til or back to eden in many cases needs an infusion of mediums, whether compost & other resources & products to begin. However, the philosophy of a more independent or self sufficient garden setup needs to be self restorative & regenerating to maximize its true value. The real benefit is to create a gardening/farming space to feed a family w/out depending on supermarkets for the most part as far as self sustaining. And next to be economical & physically manageable w/out having to employ any expensive mechanical means or paying for replacing soils & mediums each year.
    So, where we are dependent on either then the machine/tractor which must pay for itself by providing other services like bushogging, etc. If we're to keep cost to a minimal then u look to be self sufficient w/manual tools & especially if an offgrid style living is more your goal/philosophy.
    Most of what is shown w/few exceptions are those looking to be a salary producing farming/gardens that are sold direct or by farmers markets which is a little different expectation. I enjoy the efficiency of both perspectives & believe there are great benefits to learn how to use the existing mediums w/out having to pay for replacing & hauling in new soil/compost/woodchips etc. Not everywhere are these items available, practical or w/out considerable expenses.
    We farmed the same 2 garden spots along w/orchards each year by using the resources of the small farm to have multiple functions in providing self sufficiency. Chickens, hogs, weeds, wood chips, biodegradable all offer resources onsite & even trading for resources by means of your own productivity. Thats more directly representing a farmer rather than a gardener or income producing harvesting type setup for selling @ multiple outlets for a salary/financial means. Farming & gardening are not quite the same as one. But, both bring pleasure to all who appreciate the spoils of honest labor. I'm greatful for such outlets that allow sharing of new & old ideas alike. Repurposing the most & reusing whats availability onsite w/self sufficiency as a goal is like learning that it is often easier to learn how to stretch that dollar bill instead of thinking "if I just made more money over time then we could afford this or that."
    This is the crutch for so many younger generations entering a small self sustainable business is that we just need to make more money to acquire this or that. This mind set is often what can bankrupt by risk. To maximize your success rate we must learn to reintergrate & repurpose resources available instead of creating more costs that creates maintenance & repairs & more repetitive replacement costs.
    We must learn to do more w/less $ & you'll almost always be successful & a indentured servant to no one. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. And no, planting pot trees behind every pine/oak is not farming…..lol
    Everyone, be blessed.

  3. There is a guy from Washington state who discovered this style gardening. He especially conserves water too. It is called the back to eden garden system. He has a free video people can watch for setting up the garden. With compost and mulch build up it gives the roots a much easier time to grow to support the plants. He likes to cover with some wood chips because his area has under 20 inches of percipitation per year.

  4. Hi, I just want to know how you make your walkways, what is that you use and how do you do it? Is it bark or plastic or some kind of gravel?

  5. 9:58 "…they're [the plants] more with their friends…" Mr. Dowding grabbed my heart with this! I am so excited to find out about No Dig now. You see, I have a grass back yard and I want to prepare veggie beds for next year. Digging was the first thing I thought I'd have to do! I am new to all of this, but so eager to learn.

  6. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning so much from your videos, thank you. Having mobility problems, the no dig method has changed my life beyond belief, I feel useful again! I have a question though…I live very rurally and have a problem with mice and small voles. I have only managed to grow a few things we enjoy eating. They destroy everything though and it’s so upsetting as it takes all my efforts to do any gardening (which I have to do sitting and shuffling around) There is a farm cat and we have lots of owls too but I just feel like giving up. Any suggestions please would be enormously appreciated, thank you

  7. this is amazing I finally found someone it did a side by side comparison of dig and no dig which helps all of us who were skeptical if it was the same your time and effort means the world to us newbies and even people that have been doing for a little bit.

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