March 27, 2025

VIDEO: How to Revive Sick and Dying Plants

If you are running into sick and dying plants you can revive them and get them growing and producing again with these 4 simple steps.
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Revive Sick and Dying Plants

  1. MIgardener, in my case, it is a 4 year-old coffee plant and all it's leaves are all wilting and drooping since the day before yesterday. Do you have any idea the cause of it and remedy? Please!!

  2. Maybe I'm impatient, but I've watched about 1/2 your video, and so far I've leant just one thing – if you have a sick plant, cut off all the dead leaves.. That's it.

  3. My zucchinis are so healthy looking! Giant dark green leaves, lots of flowers, zucchinis start growing… Then they rot and fall off… WHAT IS WRONG???

  4. I've read that if a plant is sick and stressed (from environmental or biological stressors) then you should halt on fertilizing until it's improved and you see the first signs of new growth, otherwise you could risk further damaging it. Is this not ever the case?

  5. Can I do this to my strawberry plant. The leafs are turning brown and some stems have brown spots. Should i cut these deceased parts of the plant?

  6. Luke- I am ready to be ruthless but I tried the king sodamux and the leaves got all brittle and look worse. There would be nothing left if I pruned all the bad leaves. Is it time to just give up on this cucumber? Thanks

  7. I think I over-watered my lupins and their leaves are now drooping. I suspect root rot, would you please advise me what to do to save them? Thank you.

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