And here it is! It is critical that people understand the reality of homesteading. We take you on a journey of truth. This is why I pulled and reposted my video on Miss Belle.
~Thank you for all the love and support! xo
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~ Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal:
~ Sloggers Chicken Boots:
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~ Mortar & Pestle:
~ Magicfly Incubator:
~ Magicfly Egg Candler:
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PO Box 287
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I have gained a great deal of appreciation for what you and other's homesteading do thank you God bless
Saw the video, saw nor heard nothing wrong. I am a firm believer that if you bring any animal home, you are accepting responsibility for it, including vet bills. Agree with you on this. Like your videos on caring for your babies no matter how big they are.
I heard every single thing you said. I. Appreciate. YOU and all you do. You are one of the reasons I desire moving to the country, some acreage in approximately one year, 6 months and 29 days. We want our family connected with nature. Please keep up the good work.
Patara, you said it well. It needed to be said. God bless you.
Maybe if YouTube would stop pandering to the over-sensitivity and pussification of a generation, especially in regards to a channel dedicated to relearning the skills of our old timers and becoming that much more self-sufficient. I just found your channel and love your content already and you're gorgeous too. Good work saving your beast. Perhaps y'all might teach a workshop sometime.
Patara, you are so right about life. (Hard work, a whole lot of luck and a whole lot of Grace.) Solomon stated chance and fortune happen to us all. God has kept us all. I think about my family and all they accomplished despite their hardships. People are out of touch with reality. Thank you for speaking your truth and the reality of the hardship of homesteading.
I am an African American nurse and I am trying to start my homesteading journey. There are so many skills I am learning and need to learn but I am will to try. I know things can go wrong but I know God will help me. Philippians states "I can do all things through christ who strengthens me."
I am looking for a homestead in North Carolina or Tennessee or Kentucky. Please keep me in your prayers
Love your candid delivery. Keep up the good work. I remember back in the 80's when everyone was throwing around "politically correct" and said then that if it didn't stop it would cripple our freedom of speech. The liberal agenda is nearing it's goal with the help of a hypersensitive generation of people who are offended by everything and think it is the world's responsibility to remove all their butt-hurt offenses. YT, FB, Google, MSN, Twitter, and most social platforms are now in bed with the corrupt elite. Some of us are still fighting to take them down. In the meantime everyone just needs to be like you, as in "be yourself". Let the crybabies cry until they are tired of crying. Watch for opportunities to move to platforms that recognize and honor our rights. Never shut up. And most of all keep trusting God. That's another thing I admire about your channel.
Yay Patara! Keep up the great sharing about your homestead.
Love you girl, great videos!! XOXO
Wonderful Video & Educational & I thank you !!!
Youtube have gotten too power hungry . I Admire You Patara ! May God Bless You and Your Family and that is including the Critter's . Big hug ! Linda
Amen, my Appalachian sister!
You're not the first one to scratch their head. Glad you were able to save Miss Belle. Appreciate how much she means to you.
Thank you for these comments. You hit the nail on the head, and I admire your courage. I love your channel and I will always watch it because I believe as you do. Sincerely,
Chicken is hilarious. You go girl.
It's not a fluke or a glitch, it's an agenda that YouTube is on along with Facebook, especially when it comes to homesteading, self sufficiency, farming and the meat industry in general. Its very sad. You keep doing you. There are people like me who learn from people like you. And I appreciate that you don't back down, a lot of channels are because they need the money which I totally understand but content also needs to be shown which shows the realities of life. Be blessed girl!
Thanks for keeping it real – that's why I watch your channel!
Keeping it real shows love and respect
Well you have it totally together! With your truth and facts! I’ve sent your videos to all my FB friends and family! I hope they all subscribe as well you need to be heard! God Bless you and Your’s in a big way!
Well said… People need to understand reality… Life and death happens… Illnesses happen… and Doctors and/or veterinarians are needed from time to time…
I love your approach on everything. Tell it like it is or you deceive us. We can take the truth. Really truely enjoy your videos. Thank you from an old lady that is use to what you say and how you say it. Truth. Love ya
People don't understand what it is like to own a farm, have animals and have an animal need veterinary care. Life is not rainbows and unicorn farts. It's hard, colic in horses, bloat in cattle, eclampsia and death in animals no matter how hard we try to keep them going. We love our animals, we treat them when necessary, and we spend a ton of money on feed, vitamins, vet care and hoof care. You did right.
You go girl! Thank you for being honest in your content. I plan to have a small homestead of my own soon, and I NEED to know both the bright and shiny as well as the challenging dark spots in the road a head. I have a friend who rented a room from me for a about two years, she likes to call me Miss Pollyanna because I always seem to be very positive and uplifting. What she does not understand is that in reality, I believe that Murphy was an optimist! Not only will things go wrong but they will go wrong at the worst possible time. BUT, if I choose to go forward with something, I do two things, I get prepared to do what must be done, in order to make it work and keep moving forward, and I ALWAYS give praise to God in all things. No matter how horrific the situation I find myself in, I can find something good to come out of it. Usually it is a lesson or at least a good story. But I have always survived what ever it was, because I had the tools that I needed for a crisis, I had thought ahead about what might go wrong and prepared as best as I could, and I had faith that God would fill in the gaps. He has never let me down, and I have made it through things that would completely break most of the people that I know. Growing and becoming the best person that you can be has big challenges. It is not supposed to be easy. If life is easy, that means that you are not pushing yourself to grow. There’s joy in growth and in overcoming your own fears and obstacles. It’s not easy, but it is so worth it.
I think the facebook, Instagram and Twitter with the Google creators are trying to convince all of us history and GOD AND LOVE SHOULD NEVER EVER HAPPEN
Love that you are wearing pearl earrings while doing chores!!!
have you herd that this administration pushing the bill now, a $4500.00 tax on each cow if it passes