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Loved the video of course. And the special appearance by Geneva.
It is so nice to see you with your family. Nothing but blessings for you folks.
Wow it has even rained more than that in Southern California this summer.
Hi Luke, do you have any recipes or tips on what to do with an over abundance of cherry tomatoes? Keep up the great videos!
She doesn't have to say anything, She is cute enough. Blessings
It was wonderful to see your entire family! I enjoyed your broadcast! Blessings!
I love that your little baby girl talk all the way through your your video! Make more like that ! People love young family's!
its no ones business how you can afford your house
Any tips for a first time gardener for florida
What do you do with the left over seeds people send you
Are you still planning on getting chickens one day? I remember you mentioning it ages ago.
Cindy looking beautiful today
black flies and fruit flies, grrrrr
I don't get why anyone brings up the house. You have a business. You work. People buy houses every day. You are at an age and a stage of life where people buy houses. I never imagined that your parents or anyone else bought you a house. Don't let people get under your skin. You have nothing to prove. You are successful and doing a job you love….and making a decent enough living at it to be able to buy a relatively modest home and provide for your family (both of you, because I know Sindy is working her tail off too!).
she is adorable, and so happy enjoy her free spirit
You guys are doing great, and I love the little miss's contributions to the conversations. haha.
I just ran across you on a different YouTube page. I was looking for some orchid care and clicked a link and suddenly a younger you was on. Just thought you might would like to know people still see those.
FYI: Amish beat there kids
Enjoyed your replay Luke and your daughter is adorable she definitely has lots of energy and loves to talk
thats one happy baby!
I am seeing this later so if this was asked sorry. Will you be having another little on in your future? Love Sindy, you were blessed with a wonderful wife and beautiful daughter.
I heard my answer, still hoping you will have another. I wish I could find away to live like you. If I could keep my husband with me instead of him having to go to work that would be great.
I love your family , you and your wife are look so cute , your baby look cute more , your videos are so awesome . Thank son
Do you ever forage for wild edibles?
Awwww, what a great vid..Baby MI made my day..
Black Flies? Yes. I live in Maine. Black flies get so bad, we don't stay outside long
New to some of this ,why don't my 11 ft. tall jerusalem artichokes blossom ? 2 seasons now &no blossoms.