There is good news and bad news to having a weed free garden. The good news is you can have one and anyone can do it, the bad news is it doesn’t just happen. It takes a little bit of work and persistence.
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You can till pig weed and Canada thistle all you want and you’ll never get rid of it…the more pieces you chop root spreading weeds into the more weeds you’re going to have…the real way to have a weed free garden is to correct your biology in your soil
I came here to look for an analogy to dealing with the “weeds” that come into one’s life in general. Sometimes weeds are people, sometimes they’re false thoughts that we have about ourselves, and so forth. The weeds analogy can be applied to many things in life.
Thanks for the video!
That make so much sense. I've laid down weed mat, heavy mulching and put Preen on my garden bed but weeds still showing up. I've been pulling them out every time but it seems less and less each year. Thanks!
Weeds: aggressively grow
Him: oh, so you wanna fight with my plants, huh? (Pull em out)
And the battle begins…
So the secret of a weed free garden is to get onto your hands and knees and do some weeding
This is ten minutes of telling you to pull up weeds. Magically his weeds are easy to pull up so no advice about tough weeds. You can skip this one.
Your weeds in the northern hemisphere mus be pussies compared to our weeds here in Australia.
I have tried your method over many years in my garden and it only seems to encourage the 'energy' … ( whatever that is ) … I only get more & more weeds
Does weed killer kill pot?
I am so excited about this. I know the delight of pulling weeds with ease. Its therapeutic. I was just about ready to give up hope to buy RoundUP. YIKES! jk. Thanks, Luke. I didn't hear the chips you use. Assuming pine for its low cost.
Marathon "Luking" here.
Nice info. Unfortunately, I live in a desert where weeds refuse to acknowledge the fact that it is A DESERT. One little rain storm and wham! Suddenly its Hawaii Verde.
Also lots of roaches. We had mulch a long time ago but had to get rid of it because the roaches loved it as a moist area to hide in.
You stoner need some coke, weeds, blueberry and more chat up I good and trustworthy dealer I got some stuff for called imjoker12 on wickr I really appreciate them..
"They don't just magically 'poof'…" That made my day
There will always be weeds even when they grow over your grave never an end it will live on forever
Mourning Glory
Never seen it before
Comes choke out flowers etc
Helpful. We have bermuda grass. It's the grass of the DEVIL! I HATE it.
Is there a weed picking stick/device so I don't have to constantly kneel down and use my hand to pick them!?
Makes good sense!
Thank you this was very helpful
How to have a weed free garden? You have to pull out the weeds… Gotcha
Garden beds
I wish this was my first weed free video to settle my mind but I'm a noob and learning. Getting fun though!
Thanks for your help! I thought of weeds as the terrorists in my garden. Now, I understand and will follow your plan.
Take away the leaves of your weeds and eventually, they’ll be gone. Plant to crowd them out and mulch away!
Thank you, Luke, this really helps! & I like your slogan, Grow BIG, or go hone…that's cute!
I think you don’t have to weed anything. Let em all live together. Why can’t they be friends?
Really not worth 10 minutes long when repeatedly saying pull them out before spread out
Tried newspapers without mulch big mistake it is a sea of weeds in my garden bed
Thank you for the tips and encouragement!