March 24, 2025

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Fattening them up – Allotment Grow How

  1. Hi Adam, have a look at the photos of my pumpkins that your sis took today, or pop round the next time you are over and see them them growing on the plants. Shame about your beetroot thanks to the pesky bunnies. All the best, Dave.

  2. Absolutely awesome that you even have the option of over wintering certain plants! Just checked the average temps for you and I am partly jealous. The winter part of 3c is darn sexy, but I don't mind the high 20's in the summer…all month and half of it!
    The board under the pumpkin/marrow must be due to your consistent moisture, I've never seen anyone over here do that. That pumpkin sure looks nice and healthy! Some feed and more time, you"ll have a giant on your hands. You and those damn rabbits again! I thought the Falconer had taken care of the issues, but alas, 1 or 2 rabbits remain. Hope all your fall and winter plants do well, and shame about the beet root. I'll have to pop over to Amanda's and take a peek! Have a great night, thanks for another great vid:)

  3. Are the broad beans hardy enough to over winter? I haven't grown them before so wouldn't know. Good luck with the pumpkin, maybe your timing is good at least it is growing. On the beetroot, bad luck my friend, looks like those Rabbits have decided to kick you when you are down. Rats took a whole crop of ours a couple of years ago and I was seething, and I don't even like beetroot! Chin up mate, I'm sure you'll work something out. Those gloves you wear are cool mate, where did you get 'em? Something tells me that there may be another pair very similar to that somewhere.

  4. Hi Adam, thank you for another boring video. keep em coming. That's disappointing to see your beetroot devoured like that I get really annoyed when it happens to me. This week, while improving my rabbit fence I uncovered a nest of mice right on the inside edge of the raised bed. The all stared at me frozen in time and I said. hello, and then as in silent mouse talk, the boss mouse shouted .Now! and they all shot off together like rockets. Gone. I am going to plant my Broad beans when the local farmers do theirs. which was last years Bonfire Night and as last year with coffee grounds. Cheers Mike B

  5. Never give up Adam, I am truly grateful for your videos. The thing is that they give me the impetus to carry on. Your dry humor seems to be the driving force behind your productions and speak to that neve say die attitude. Cheers.

  6. Hi mate, the pumpkins are starting to swell and that's a great idea to give them a feed. I'm sure those broad beans should be alright. Stick a bit of netting over them to protect them from the bunnies though. Really sorry about your beetroot. I've got an idea though. If you've got a few left why not transplant one with some soil in a pot and grow it on at home. That way you'll have something to make it look Ghoulish at Hallowe'en. Take care. Nick

  7. You certainly are looking after your great pumpkins Adam. Pity the rabbit got at the peas . The broad beans should do well in that fertile looking ground. Try to put a net over beans because it's likely Mr Rabbit might come back . Cheers Patrick

  8. good day Adam !! awesome update fella, i'm with terry on this one i over winter broad beans my 1st year and totally mist the 1st black fly hatching and if you time it right like i did i planted a second crop and missed the 2nd hatching of black fly later on in the year !! so good luck and hopefully you get a bountiful harvest peste free

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