September 28, 2024

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Picking Sweetcorn – Allotment Grow How

  1. Hi Adam, many thanks for filming my pumpkins. The one in the centre has now overtaken the first one you filmed. The rabbits seem to be enjoying themselves again ,the flamin' pests. What variety are the pumpkins you are growing? Look forward to next weeks video. Dave.

  2. Just wanted to say that I have been enjoying your videos. Look on the bright side with you vermin troubles and wind, Hurricane Harvey placed my garden under a foot to two feet of water, and the there are plants coming back, but now the mice are out looking for a meal, so my grapes are gone.

  3. I had a beautiful multicoloured popcorn patch until recently, when over the space of 2 days each and every cob was stripped of their kernels by the neighborhood gang of magpies! Some of the cobs were 5 feet off the ground so I know it wasn't ground critters. Damn birds just sat there and gnawed every one of them while cackling wildly. Gladly, that's the only 'visitor' my garden ever gets!

  4. I figure your bunnies are not big on parsnips, them 'snips look mighty fine to me. The corn? As long as you are pleased who cares. Dave's pumpkins look better than yours right now but maybe you've timed yours to be at perfection come Halloween. Great job under the conditions mate, Cheers!

  5. The rabbits had a feast there, the two you got were good. The parsnips are coming along, they looked so good from the shoulders. What variety are the grapes, I fancy some of those myself

  6. Another great update! Thanks Adam. I took on my allotment in April of this year and as a newbie its been great to watch your videos for advice and ideas. My parsnips are looking much the same as yours, I'm going to wait for the first frosts before lifting. I never thought I'd say it (being a warm weather girl), but I'm really looking forward to those frosts!

  7. Hi Adam, Things looking good with the sweetcorn and parsnips. I think its mice eating the corn they can scramble up the stalks with ease. Hope the sweetcorn taste great but do try cooking/eating one in your hut you will be amazed at the taste. Storm Aileen was so bad down here we never went outside for anything. No damage on the plot except a few items blown over. Take care Mike B

  8. Your 'sad face' cracks me up, Adam. Anyhoo, you might want to check out YouTube for 'microwave sweetcorn'. I have a shitload of Golden Bantam this year, and microwaving is my go-to method for cookin' 'em.

    Sorely impressed by the size of your pumpkins btw, if you get my drift. Shared on Twatter.

  9. You either have really tall rabbits or really short sweet corn if that is from rabbits. Do you have groundhogs over there? You probably call them something's else. We also call them woodchucks. They would do that if you have them but maybe they are only in North America.

  10. Umm the creatures sure enjoy your efforts Adam. Few carrots and the parsnips, plus some brown sugar and honey and you have a nice snack from the garden. Great looking grape crop. I hope you get them and not the birds

    You may have to do what my son did and make a cage around the corn. He did it because of raccoons were eating his corn. Completely surrounded the bed and has a metal fence top on it.


  11. Hi mate. Same happened to my sweetcorn and I think it was probably rats that got them. I did manage to harvest some cobs though. Like your pumpkins and the grapes looked good. Sorry your shed got affected. Take care. Nick

  12. Very neat to be able to pop over to Dave's garden! His pumpkins are looking fantastic, well done. I feel your pain with those winds as we have had 3 of those this year! I am amazed by the amount of wildlife you have to contend with. If I can keep the cats out, all is good. How high of the ground were those corn? Hope those two cobs were delicious. That parsnip was huge, you'll get a few meals out of that. Your grapes are reminding me that they were on my list this year. Thanks for a great walk around and harvest, love seeing what you have going on! Have a great Sunday:))

  13. Wow, nice grapes, do you make wine or just eat them? Lovely corn as well – just a shame the bunnies thought so too. If your broad beans get too tall and leggy it's fine to cut them down to, say, 3-4 inches, just above a leaf node…I've done that before and they've been grand, in fact they grew stronger and bushier. However they'll only overwinter if they're a hardy variety, like aguadulce.

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