This video is all about how to grow a lot of dragon fruit (pitaya) in just one container. This method is what I call the hang or grow down method where the plant is placed upon a stand or in my case a stump and left to drape down instead of being trained up a trellis or post.
Here the link to my article on growing dragon fruit:
Buy dragon fruit on Amazon:
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started SSM in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
Photonutrients is my new favourite new word
woww nice
So you just plant the stem without any support
Wow nice
G'day, You may or may not know that a YouTube channel titled MsFitVegan is using your footage.
Do anybody know about Mobotallor Secrets? Does it work? I hear a lot of people grow taller fast naturally with this grow taller method.
What is Mobotallor Secrets and how does it work? I hear most people increase their height fast naturally with this grow taller secrets.
My dragon fruit has true leaves now. I live in zone 6a. Not sure it will ever produce fruits.. Maybe in 5 years?
Because their are different colors of dragon fruit,dose that mean some will taste more sour or sweeter than others because of the color?
yummy fruit
What is the best product or brand to grow 4 inches taller? I read a lot of good reviews on the internet about how Mobotallor Secrets will help you achieve the height that you desire. Has anyone tried this increase height system?
Hello there, have you considered Mobotallor Secrets yet? Simply just do a google search. On there you will find a great suggestions about how you can increase your height fast naturally. Why don't you give it a chance? perhaps it is going to work for you too.
Where can I buy yellow dragon fruit trees
Any idea why my tree would be dropping all the flowers? It is the 3rd year. First year I found it in my driveway after a hurricane here in Florida. Last year transplanted it to a “tree” container and got like 5 flowers and they all dropped. This year I’ve had 100’s of flowers and they all keep dropping. I’ve been trying to pollinate them at night when they bloom but it seems they all end up closing back up and sort of melting away then the whole “bulb or fruit” just falls off. Do I need to pollinate from one flower to another?
Nice one Mark. Thanks mate.
Hi, I love all your videos that I've come across. Any tips for those idiots like me that like growing things from seed, specifically what helps them mature the quickest? Mine are 3 years old and doing great, just making sure I'm not missing out on a great tip
At my house I have dragon fruit growing on the ground. It has root system all along the branches and it growing like weeds all over. What type of dragon fruit do I have?
It could take 3 year to grow a dragon fruit from seeds. And to get that big I don't know
How many cuttings where in that pot?
Thanks sir for info .
Can you about the container size wide and height pleased thanks ?
After taking cuttings how will they last before I HAVE to plant them?
how much time to get dragon fruit from the dragon plant
I've seen several posts that warn of ants farming aphids that can then harm the plant, even though ants may be good pollinators. Are aphids not a concern in your area?
Hi , I hope you are well. Thanks for the knowledge. Does a blue , green and purple dragon fruit exist? Or they are fictitious? I look forward to hearing from you.