We lost an important community leader and inspiring educator of permaculture design and horticulture recently with the passing of Chuck Marsh. Even though we did not get to have him teach at Living Web Farms, we did film Chuck’s presentation last fall at the Organic Growers School’s Harvest Conference, on “Growing Food Where People Live,” a new project he helped start with Groundswell’s International. In collaboration with local partners, Polk Agricultural Economic Development and the Mill spring Agricultural Center, the program is working to strengthen the local food economy and community self-reliance for families in Polk County, NC.
In the United States, the initiative is empowering vulnerable people to grow their own food, learn valuable skills, organize food-buying clubs to improve their household economies and job prospects, start market gardens and food-related enterprises to earn more income. They are developing a scalable model that will spread beyond Polk County, NC, where it has started with Chuck’s help, and grow into more counties in North Carolina and across the Southeast. This is just one example among a multitude of powerful contributions Chuck Marsh made during his lifetime. He has left the world a much richer place by sharing his passions and talent with us. We hope you enjoy this special bonus video we had in our archive as we celebrate his life and teachings.
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Thanks Living Web.