March 18, 2025

VIDEO: My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PAWPAWS!!

Pawpaws are my secret go to fruit. In fact you may have never heard of them, but pawpaws are a fruit you should have in your permaculture garden. These aren’t the kind of fruits you can buy in a store, in fact I don’t know of a place that I can ever buy them. The only way to for me to eat pawpaws is if I grow them myself!

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PAWPAWS!!

  1. Groundhog, raccoon, squirrel and possum go after paw paw fruit, also. so get it before they do. you can shake the tree and the ripe ones come down, also. Paw Paw is my favorite fruit in the world. Grows all along the EASTERN USA and other areas. Zebra Swallowtail butterflies need PAW PAW trees to survive – so if you see Zebra Swallowtail Butterflies – you know you have Paw Paw trees nearby. Paw Paws are often in parks and Parkways.

  2. In Mississippi they grow wild but are still hard to find, if you split them and remove the seeds add some cinnamon and bake them in the oven, they are super delicious and taste like warm banana pudding, would love to find a starter to grow on my property , have tried several times to grow from seed, so far no luck tho. Thanks for the video .

  3. Black flies are the primary pollinator for pawpaws. I mulched a lot of vegetable scraps when I had chickens a few years ago. The mulch would get black flies. My pawpaws would get so much fruit they would almost break branchs. Chickens loved the black fly larvae.

  4. Thanks for taking the time to do such a nice video; I had my first Paw Paw this year from my sister's land and thought it tasted like banana custard, and one sort of like an papaya, but a little less sweet — delicious ! Well done! Ignore the people who clicked a thumbs down — there wasn't a thing wrong with this video it informed and was entertaining! If someone wants to register something they have found lacking in a video take the time to post a helpful comment that is justified and states your opinion or adds a helpful fact to inform fellow viewers — Or make a video, yourself, so we can critique YOU! Otherwise, move along. . .Me? I'm going to go watch his other videos, starting with "JuJube!

  5. I appreciate your addressing the rotten-meat smell. I've been worried about planning them in my front yard because of that smell. But it seems like it's pretty mild?

  6. I live in Washington, DC and have countless paw paw trees and they literally take over, seeding themselves and being my one fruit tree that the squirrels leave alone. The flavor is intense and you love it or hate it. Years ago, I met this old guy in DC who looked interesting and I asked his background and he was Native American and I told him about my paw paw trees and invited him over and he was visibly moved by my trees. He explained the importance of paw paws in terms of fruit and the use of leaves and bark in native medicine many generations ago. Beyond even the spiritual reasons one might plant paw paws, it's the most incredible, and easy, fruit tree to grow. If anyone lives near DC, I have plenty of seedlings to share.

  7. Hi! I love your gardening tips on you tube. They've been super helpful. I had a successful first time garden box garden last summer. About the oak paw… I was at Kroger grocery store and saw one yesterday. I wondered about it…I'm a young coconut nut (person) but can't seem to find those here local. Based on your recommendation I'll go vack and get a paw paw….why knows I might like them! Thanks again and God bless! Ps: love your little doggie. He's too precious!

  8. Warning – if you cook pawpaw into bread or pancakes, don’t eat too much in one day! Some people are sensitive to annonancin, which is high in pawpaws, and cooking may intensify it. Eat some raw and then wait to see if your tummy can handle it. I love them, and pawpaw muffins are fantastic, but I have to go easy on them if I don’t want to pay for it later….

  9. I just bought two pawpaw trees a few weeks back. I have really tall mulberry trees so they will get plenty of shade.
    Now I wanna try the fruit even more.
    In the process of replacing junk trees and bushes with fruit bearing ones. Why have a normal short hedge when it could be blueberries? Why have a decorative bush when you could have a decorative Fig Bush? 😛 Plus it's currency for when the apocolypse hits.

  10. I have just planted about 8 n gave away plenty like u say they come up wild. My tree has about 50 I had so many I had to space them to grow larger broke my heart to throw away many for space too tiny n tight on the tree. . But green or yellow pawpaw are delicious. Aunt Mel.

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