September 28, 2024

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: End of September Garden Harvest

  1. Thumbs up on passing your goal on harvest weight!!
    Thumbs up on all the great harvests this year!! The sweet taters may not have produced a lot but them there are still better than the ones bought at the store!!
    Did you do any videos on harvesting the sunflower seeds?
    Is there anything you grew or tried to grow this year that you won't next year?
    Have a good'nnn

  2. Congrats on meeting your goal! Have you ever tried eating the sweet potato greens? I really enjoy them, but I know it's not for everyone. I stir fry mine. It can be used like spinach too.

  3. I watched the WHOLE thing! Pretty impressive haul! Over a half ton of veggies in 9 months, you can be proud of that for sure. Also glad to see a little more of Al, c'mon Al you are going to have to get used to being an internet star!. I would say that your garden is definitely a 2 person operation. I love the neighbors new puppy….what a cutie! Sorry about the sweet potato harvest, I could tell you were bummed, but hey 30 pounds is still 30 pounds! You all do an amazing job with your garden. Your passion really shows, and your spreadsheet is pretty impressive too! Best of luck for the last 3 months of the year!

  4. I love your videos !!!i just SUBSCRIBED!! Im a small YouTuber if you could subscribe and check out my channel it could really help!! I'll make sure to stay in touch likes and comments & share love ur channel by the way!!

  5. Wow, that was one heck of an okra plant there mam, and did I hear ya say Mississippi purple hull peas?? I planted some this season myself, love them peas!! You have a beautiful garden and loved your harvest!! Thanks for sharing, ya have a new subscriber from east central Mississippi here!! Dan

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