March 18, 2025

VIDEO: How and When to Plant Garlic

Garlic is my easiest and most rewarding crop! But the biggest mistake new gardeners make is waiting until spring to plant. Garlic is planted in the fall — it’s the last thing I do each season! It grows during the coldest parts of winter and treats you to a harvest in early summer!

For more specifics on when to plant, where to get your seed garlic, and what type of garlic is right for your climate, download my free cheat sheet here:

And don’t forget to save your best bulbs to plant next season!

**My first frost date is usually in early November, so adjust the planting time accordingly.

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: How and When to Plant Garlic

  1. Hi you mention in this video about growing peppers with your garlic, can you do a video on growing peppers and chillies pls, I've grown chillies from a seedling but can't seem to grow peppers or chillies from seeds. Any advice would be great. Love your videos thanks so much Tracey

  2. Don't the garlic kinda shade out the peppers when there young?

    Thanks for making this video short sweet and to the point..
    Migardner could of made this a 30 minute video of babbling..

  3. I just pulled the garlic I planted last November. According to your instructions, I places about 20 cloves about 5 inches into the soil of my 2×4 container. You said it was safe to grow through the winter.
    To say I am disappointed, would be correct. All I got for the six month wait are 2 foot stalks with only a root ball at the end. No garlic bulbs at all. Not even anything that looked like garlic.
    As this was an experiment, I never tried growing garlic before, I really can't complain too much. It would have been nice to get something.
    I think it may have been the planting soil. I used the soil I grew tomatoes in last year. The container had good drainage, so that wasn't a problem.
    What is it I failed to do?

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  5. Great video. Really appreciated the monthly growth pics! Didn't catch what zone you are in? Any thoughts on growing garlic in deep metal containers and tips to increase the likelihood of survival over the winter, would be greatly appreciated too. :). We are in zone 4. Thanks Jill

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