March 22, 2025

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Ragweed cam be your friend in permaculture

  1. Ragweed is extremely beneficial it's a sub soiler that pulls up ton of p and k, deer love it and quail and other birds love it. I don't have a problem with it I'd just keep it mowed like in my white clover plots so it's still alive and pumping in the p and k, but not taking over

  2. One other thing theres an older book called "weeds and what they do" something like that, but in that book there was folks using weeds in their compost piles, and in the dead of winter there would be steam coming off the piles because of the bacteria in the humus was working so hard to break down the weeds, which to me I would think more bacteria activity would be good too help break down those, free much! I mean why not

  3. We have Texas giant ragweed here on the land and although i did notice how much biomass it is,and how well it grows even in drought, it seems i am allergic to it. Even if i mess with it before its gone to flower/seed it still seems to affect me some. The stuff grows like crazy though. I spent one spring pulling all the ragweed plants i could find out of the ground before they seeded, but still had a new crop the next year lol.

  4. Hi I am an x-farmer we all who farmed hated hemp sesbania until the chemical companies came out with Blazer .Sesbania is a legume ,fixed nitrogen on the roots, and built up the soil,but it was a bitch in soybeans or anything else.

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