And the award for the best forager goes to…
And they are great Chickens for Children!
Enjoy! xoxo
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Hi, I have light brahmas, buff brahmas and dark brahmas love the breed and through the winter they will lay enough for my family. They are a cold harty breed with small combs and my rooster Larry is a light brahma. I also have some buff orpingtons that are also nice…
Please do a homestead tour!! I love you're videos, and would be interested in you're setup and how it works for you, along with things you would change!
Thanks for the video. God bless!
What chicken would you recommend for a Novice Chicken farmer? Egg-laying/Meat Production/Duel-Purpose – doesn't matter really. I'm interested in something that's fairly easy to care for.
so cute!! I ill have to try Brahmas next. Do you ever have problems with Hawks and vultures? I sooo wish I can let my chickens free range like your s but too many hawks, eagles and vultures. I have two speckles… they are a hoot Love the sounds they make
Are they the one that sbout 4ft tall. If so it will be exciting to see them grow. Patara thanks again for awsome viedo
I had a hatchery stock buff Brahma, but she was absolutely stunning. Hatchery stock are a lot leaner than breeding stock. Mine laid pretty often, and would go broody very often!!!! Very friendly, but mine wasn't a great forager. She was a glutton for treats and feed. Sadly I lost her to heat stroke, they're definitely not as hardy in hotter climates. Overall a great breed especially if you have younger kids.
Love, Love, Love you chicken videos!! Your goats are cute too!!
And they are beautiful birds, aren't they?
So far, out of all of my chickens my brahmas are my favorite. As far as their temperament, heartiness etc. they are my favorite!!!
I LOVE BRAHMAS!!! I raise Brahmas and they are great even out here in the desert. They're great foragers, and are big enough to keep the hawks from coming in on them. They grow grow very slow, but are great. My rooster is so mellow my boys can catch him and he doesn't try to hurt them. He just fluffs up and walks off. They may not be the best layers, but they have good eggs. I won't raise anything BUT Brahmas now.
thinking on getting copper marans and silkies do they get along
Are the Brahmas also good meat/egg birds? My future homestead will need both.
Can you do a video on how to ferment chicken feed
Thanks so much for the info. Good luck with that possum.
This is trivial…but, I miss the singing Milkmaid!
Great video again!!! Hope all is well. Thanks for the information!!!!
Love brahmas! They're my favorite hands down. I had a dark brahma roo (bantam) and he was guarding his girls by the time he was three months old! Circling and squawking and never coming to eat until he'd surveyed everything and secured the perimeter. We can't have roos in town so I rehomed him, but if I ever could have a roo it would be a brahma for SURE. I was so impressed.
hi! Do you clip their wings? We are getting chickens this spring and I'm want them to be free outside but don't want them flying away…
Love my brahmas but are easy targets because they are so laid back and tend not to run for cover when needed.
great video today !! great information
I love information, personal experiences with different breeds
We are trying what kills but doesn't eat the chickens? then we discovered feral dogs trying to get into the coup. And one of my layers disapeared.. all we found are feathers. We sure have much to learn oh boy. great video thank you. Blessings everyone.
Have you made a video on brahmas vs cochins?
My pet chicken has dark brahmas
Brahmas are very sensitive to lice and mites and to humidity , heat and cold, both, sensitive to everything in general, because of their feather leggeds.
Brahmas can't hold a candle next to other dual purpose heritage breeds.
So true! I wish I had gotten more of them!