March 23, 2025

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Final Pickings – Allotment Grow How

  1. " Oh, he's only a rabbit. What's he going to do, nibble me bum?" Hilarious, Adam, one last piss taking by your resident rabbit. Sorry friend, but that had me spitting coffee!! Really nice little end of year harvest. Love the lupins, next year should be there year to shine!! Awesome vid, enjoyed it thoroughly! Have a great day, Adamus 🙂

  2. A little duct tape & that shoe is good to go. lol If you're planting that squash & those pumpkins again next year you may want to get them in a month earlier. Those seeds were off that one plant that gave up 35 pounds of fruit. Attack of the killer rabbit…wish you'd of gotten that on film…lmao. Thanx for the post bud. Great job as usual.

  3. Hi Adam, as regards your shoe you know now what to put on your Xmas list. I guessed the rabbits were top rabbits. That means they don't bury. I would soon have the little blighter in my freezer. See you soon. Dave.

  4. Rabbits, I ask yer, what next Hopalong. Lots of laaughs. Have to ask you after watching your other channel. Are you watching Gunpowder on the box? If you did, what about that priest hole? Take care Mike B

  5. That rabbit was the guardian of the tomb mate, wear some Armour next time. The soil in your beds looks surprisingly good and well worked, not bad for a lazy gardener, well done.
    Thumbs up for the butternut squash, now we all need to see what you do with it. As far as the boots go, a few blokes that I work with would stick some duct tape around the split and get another year out them. Just a suggestion as the gloves suggest that you are a frugal sort 🙂 Great vid as always mate 🙂

  6. Great video Adam. I couldn't help laughing at the rabbit attack; sorry about that. You've earned lots of gardening cred with the shoes and also for standing up to that rabbit. Thanks for the update and stay safe!

  7. Hi Adam, that rabbit must have been as scared as you!!! Shame not on video. The veg looked really good though mate. We used Lion and Tiger poo our allotment once, when the circus came to town !!!! (Yes I remember those days and, no didn't stop the rabbits either.) It's that time of year it all go to bed mate still as Jen says " at least Adams " FOOTLOOSE" and fancy free". Take care mate and hope you get a new pair of boots for Christmas. Rog n Jenny.

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