March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Peppers Harvest Time. True NO TILL Organic Vegetable Gardening with mulch for beginners 101. Pt 8

Peppers Harvest Time. NO TILL Homesteading Organic Vegetable Gardening method with deep mulch for beginners 101, Pt 6. Also How to build healthy soil – You can use composting leaves too.

Link to PEPPERS planting Video :

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Peppers Harvest Time. True NO TILL Organic Vegetable Gardening with mulch for beginners 101. Pt 8

  1. In my opinion, your channel is one of the best gardening/farming channel because the proof is in the pudding is in the eating and I may not know what liquid carbon is but to me and my personal experience, living roots in the ground are paramount to soil building. Also from my experience, fertilization of any kind is unessecary once the ecology has had a chance to develop. I planted tomatoes very close between my Apple trees (after growing tomatoes in the same spot for years) and no one could believe that I got tomatoes as large as my dwarf Apple trees with nothing but mulch and using polycultures

  2. I love that you bring us along with you for your experiments! I also appreciate that you admit that you do not know everything like some people after going to a weekend class and getting a silly title.

  3. Great topic. What is the next step for that row of peppers. Will you hand sow cereal rye and clover into the bed with what is left? Looks to be a few weeds, which is expected. Do you leave those weeds there also?

  4. Nice looking peppers Mark! Instead of cutting them back at the ground (and leaving dead roots) you might consider "winterizing" them with some mild pruning and a low tunnel. That will keep them in hibernation (with living roots and all) and in the spring they should bush out and get taller with thicker stems. I've seen YouTubers double their production this way.

  5. another great video ! I understand you pulled that plant up to check out root system, however that made me think what should be done with garden plants after growing system? Pretty sure cut plants down close to ground leaving roots in tact. But what about rest of plant? Compost pile? Let it lay in garden row to decompose over winter? thanks!

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