This video answers a question I received asking “how many quail do I need to keep to grow for food” and whilst it is somewhat of an open question that can have many conclusions depending on several factors I have done my best to answer it by using an example of a family of four keeping 7 quail as breeding stock.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started SSM in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
Love this how many Wil suffice video.
Hope you came others for Guinea fowl and turkey
Thank you for the video. I found it very helpful and I'm very interested in raising Coturnix. I have Button quail (their eggs are teeny tiny and only really good as a garnish) and i have four chicken hens. The chickens are my favorite because they're friendly but they are older and don't lay much. I'm incubating some eggs from my sister's flock for new layers at the moment but would like to have a self contained type of bird to reproduce when needed. Quail are a great option for suburban settings compared to chickens because you can keep a breeding flock. Many places won't allow roosters (like where I live), so you have to rely on outside sources to replenish your flock if you need to.
Can you keep quail and chickens together or will they fight?
I would just like to say this is a smashing channel and hope you keep going =)
Do you ever feel like a bad person for killing the quails?
So, quail live 2-3yrs
Lay 1 egg a day
From incubation to plate is 4 months
5 females 2 males can feed a fam of 4 once a month.
What do you do with the eggs that didnt hatch? Trash or are those eaten?
If you want to eat the eggs simply dont incubate?
When the 1st batch matures? Do you kill off the 1st batch n proceed to the same as time goes on?
You got subscribed due to your name "SELF SUFFICIENT ME"
For me quails are so easy to take care compared to my chickens glad they don’t have intense peck older
Cần Quail Hatch they own eggs like chicken?
Excellent vid, I'm getting very into self-sufficiency, l would ask how quail compare to chooks with regard to feed requirements, which is more efficient with regards to eggs/meat production for a given amount of feed?
How do you manage rodents?
I learned a lot about miles and femiles and to think it was only a unit of measurement for distance. Learn something everyday.
Hi Mark, great channel! I'm a big fan. I have a question. If your quails lay the eggs in your yard, would you still put them in an incubator or would you leave them with their mother to hatch? Thanks
Unsubscribed cos of the unnecessary killing of sentient animals!
Very interesting! I've never raised quail, but I might try it one day. Thanks!
Nice little birds.
What a great instructional video! Thanks mate!
You make great content. Our whole family loves it.
Hello, I'm Jukli, a quail breeder from Indonesia. Nice to meet you
Love your videos,
Just leave the quail the fuck alone
Easy answer: 0
animal protein causes cancer. don't eat it
Have been watching almost every single video you put out. Also on your secondary channel… I´m crazy, yet… We just got the news we are upgrading to a farm with 4 acres. Tree´s and healthy soil, everything. So happy! Now I can do this all for real. I have chickens, rabbits, dogs and lots of experience. Time to expend. Gonna be awesome. Thanks for all the knowledge.
HS algebra teachers should pose these problems to their students so when they ask what they need to learn this for they know that the lowly farmer is really pretty fucing cool
Thank you sir!
Can quail eat black soldier farm larvae? Thanks for the video
Over time the reproducing of same quail family bloodline would be going worst.