March 24, 2025

VIDEO: What To Do With Strawberry Runners? Clip Leave or Wait?

What is the best way to handle strawberry runners? Do you leave them on permanently, wait till spring, or cut them off? I will show you what I do, but the choice is yours.
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: What To Do With Strawberry Runners? Clip Leave or Wait?

  1. , i live in louisiana and i am moving my runners into another bed, but what month will my first bed stop producing. and will the runners that i am planting in the second bed produce this year also. thanks

  2. Over 50 yrs ago my Father taught me to plant strawberry runners alone. Every 3rd year the parent row is tilled up and the runners become the main rows. New plants will produce more and bigger berries.

  3. Do you need to wait till the runner grows leaves and roots? My mother plant on its 2and yr survived over winter and now is growing 3 runners but there's nothing of note on ends as of yet.. wait?

  4. I started strawberries this year.; they are beautiful. Picked the blooms as I have been instructed. Now I have runners and are propagating them. I will not pick their flowers. So what am I missing here? I want to eat some strawberries!

  5. Can I just replace an old non fruiting plant with a new plant from a runner? Or do I need to replace it with a completely new plant?

  6. I have a strawberry hanging basket and want to try to newly plant a runner in a separate container. What kind of soil is best?? And how long should I leave it before cutting the cord from mother plant?

  7. first time growing strawberries. I only have a few runners. I put them on top of small pots but still connected to mother plant so they will root. so do i want to wait till they root then clip the the cord from the mother plant or cut now and hope that they root?

  8. Y'all are the best! My strawberries thst were crazy productive but have dine nothing for a month. More than a month of 100°+. Plants are shaded 2pm on.
    Cut all the runbers off, fertilized. Niw what? Thx for sharing, julie

  9. trying a new garden spot and everything was dying because the ground was mostly clay. Last year I built raised beds, and have had good luck with them and want to start growing strawberries. I found 2 strawberry plants growing out of the clay, and dug them up and put them in plastic pots with new soil. They are doing well, and now are throwing out runners. It's September here in Michigan and I want to do something with the plants and the runners so I can get something going next year. What do I do with these 2 plants, and the runners they're throwing? thx.

  10. I was given some runners Sept 23rd and I was wondering what to do with them? They are in water to root right now and are getting some white roots.. My question is, Since its so late in the fall (I think) do I keep them in the house after potting them up? And If I am to keep them in the house, how do I keep them alive? Help I've never done this before! They are ever bearing strawberries.. Thank you in advance!

  11. I have a raised pallet bed, would you think moving the entire contents to a new bed would work yet this year, we haven't had a frost yet here in Wisconsin

  12. I live in northern Illinois. Is it still to late to transplant my runners. I did nothing after growing season as I had a severe greese burn on my hand and was unable to do anything much outside. Last fall I just cut off runners but my 2 year old mother plants produced very small berries this past season. When and what kind of fertilizer do you suggest. Thanks much!

  13. It's now November in zone 7b. Should I try to root runner's now or is it too late. I've done it before but left some on mother plants. If not should I leave on mother plants?

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