March 28, 2025

VIDEO: 8 Tips For Growing FRUIT TREES! Organic Gardening

These 8 Tips For Growing Fruit Trees can help take your gardening harvests to the next level. If you want to get consistent Harvests with little work, and have a Perennial foundation of food security then Fruit Trees are for you! Are you willing to spend $2 on a soda that will do little to no good for you, but not $25 on a Fruit Tree that can feed you for most of your life? The investments we put in now is what will make us or break us in the future. Five Years go by quick, and you can’t eat from a Tree you don’t plant!

Thanks for the kind words and support 😁🐕❤️


→Amazon affiliate link:



→ Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK

→Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant:

→6 Mil Greenhouse plastic:

→Row Cover:

→Neem Oil:

→Insect Netting:

→BT Spray for Brassicas:

→Pruners I use:

→Tomato Clips:

→Square Foot Gardening Book:

→My Boots





→Contact: (Business Only)

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 8 Tips For Growing FRUIT TREES! Organic Gardening

  1. James, where do you purchase your fruit trees from? Love the vids and the helpful info packed into them! Your little buddy Tuck is quite the hoot, too. Thanks for sharing, zone 6 grower

  2. I have four 25 or more year old pear trees and apple trees the apple trees produceApple's but they have a lot of black spots on the apples and the leaves aroundand the trees themselves have had a lot of diseases in the pastI was just wondering if you had any tips to make the trees better or should I cut them down and replant them somewhere else

  3. Thank you James. This was very informative for me because I want to plant some fruit trees. What do you think of trees that are grafted with several different kinds of fruit? Are they as healthy as trees that are not grafted? I like the idea of getting a variety of fruits from one tree if they as healthy as other fruit trees.

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  5. How did you build the blueprint for your food forest? I am adept with the permaculture lifestyle but I need to learn more about it, what would you do with this flower bed? I will send pictures for reference please and thank you, any tips or tricks would be phenomenal. I have about 9ft flower bed that I have built over 2 years in my apartment complex, I want to practice permaculture here. the bed is maybe 9ft x 3ft. I had 10 ft tomatoes trellised with bamboo and twine, 3 jalapenos plants, and over 5 variety of flowers and basil. I am intimidated by fall planting and leafy greens

  6. My brother I need your help, planted down a Pear tree earlier this spring. This week I noticed on the leaves, Rust fungus. I had no idea what this was until i began my research. However I havent seen a definitive cure to this, I have seen copper come up numerous times but can you please help me. What can I use to save my tree from this rust fungus

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