September 28, 2024

VIDEO: ANALYZING INPUT COSTS | Fertilizer, Compost & Water

ANALYZING INPUT COSTS | Fertilizer, Compost & Water Subscribe: | Follow my IG: @greencityacres
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Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: ANALYZING INPUT COSTS | Fertilizer, Compost & Water

  1. I have gotten a lot inspiration out of your videos but this one excited me the most. Very much looking forward to your new farm and watching it be built. I am urban farming in NE Ohio and am looking forward to moving towards more of a permaculture model integrating annuals and perennials within the next couple of years. Thanks.

  2. Great news Curtis all the best of luck to you on this new venture. what jm has done has been great but his was like the pilot scheme, work out all the kinks with an almost unlimited budget. so apart from doing some things a little different to suit your preferred way of doing things, is yours going to be 2.0 on the real world budget and prove, it is possible without a billionaires bank balance?

  3. HI Curtis. Hey. This may help you. or least look into it, if you haven't. I get approxmently 4 cubic yards of aged compost for $50.00.. That also counts it being delivered. I have a local farmer 3 miles away, who has to either build a concrete mote for his compost, or reduce the amount by law. So its a win win for us both.I am looking into  putting a filtering system on for my arrogation. We do have fluoride and chlorine in our city water.I have only used the compost of about 1 to 2 inches on my beds. 30X50.. My Salanova and Arugula loves it. Any way. I thought this might help.

  4. Wow that water usage! We're very lucky here it rains constantly and never really gets warm , I used less than 1 cubic meter for 300m2 this year. Rainwater has all sorts of legislative hurdles to jump through here, not for collection that's fine, but for using it for crops, they consider it dirty and contaminated…

  5. Curtis help! How do you spend $1500 CAD -> $1223 USD on seeds per year. The numbers do not add up. I'm calculating with Salenova Buttercrisp Lettuce from Johnny. Which comes in at $707.50 USD per 25,000 seeds or 22.7oz (Johnny says there are 1100 seeds per oz) In your book you mention 1 oz of lettuce seed per 25' bed (per planting I assume). So lets say you only plant lettuce, which you do not. $1223 USD could buy you just over 39 oz of seed theoretically (excl S&H etc.) This means you could only plant 975 linear feet of bed (or 20 50' beds) once per season with lettuce for $1500 dollars. Your planting much more than this. What am i missing???

  6. The world is short on farmers. I like that JM production by the masses. I don't know how to set up watering I suppose it will be trial and error.
    I did buy your book and hope that will shed more light. I hate spending money though I know it takes$$$ to. But in greenhouses do I want overhead in the field sprinklers vs. drip ????

  7. Water rates is really stinging us now.. Here in Edmonton area we are paying @$3.6 per cubic meter for both water and sewage charge.. It's insane!

  8. Congrats Curtis ! I have been following your channel for 2 seasons now. Your willingness to share and have the attitude of abundance has made a difference on my lot. Using your principals I have converted 4000 sq ft from weeds to productive land. We have added a hoop house for tomatoes and cucumbers this season. I am 54 and wish I had ventured into small lot farming years ago. Your videos and book have made a huge difference for me and my results. Glad to see you being able to follow your dream of 10 x and look forward to the journey. I as well have been using my farming for R&D and see some great tools coming in the future. Just be assured your sharing attitude is changing lives. Kudos to you !

  9. ask the neighbors Thair well yield and depth, this is a good indicator of the area.also ask the local well driller. you might be able to deepen your well and pickup more water.also,as a well driller of 40+ years I can tell you dowsing for water truly works. 3gpm? if that goes away then what?

  10. Sustain turkey fertilizer, about $1/lb in 50 lb bags; compost $37.80/cu yd; 1" compost on beds; water 0.41 cu meters water/1 linear ft of bed; or, 5500 gallons /50 ft bed per year. I think I got that right. Sandy soil; low organic matter; high evaporation rate.

  11. When you say you used 18 bags of fertilizer does that include the compost or just the Sustane dry fertilizer? If you mean 18 bags total, does that mean you spent $945 on 18 bags? How many bags of compost do you use and what brand?

    Big fan, btw. Your book is my Bible and you inspire me

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