March 28, 2025

VIDEO: How To Grow Christmas Cactus-ALL CARE TIPS

DAIZZ’S TIP:-A beautiful holiday plant (botanically known as Schlumbergera or Zygocactus), the Christmas Cactus unsurprisingly blooms at Christmas and also sometimes around Easter time if cared for properly. A month prior to Christmas you will be able to watch the tips of the leaves beginning to grow. The tips grow darker as each day passes, until a bud forms. At Christmas time, as if by magic, the buds open to a beautiful flower that will add color and warmth to any holiday season.

Happy Life by FREDJI
Music promoted by Audio Library

Buddha by Kontekst
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Christmas Cactus-ALL CARE TIPS

  1. Summer temps outside reaches 43C Even in shady area outside temp is ~34-37C… How to take care in such condition.. Humidity U can do by keeping a water tray but its the heat bothering my Christmas Cactus…. Please advice…

    Can I use misting as well… How many times in a day ??

    Per plant how much Vermicompost to be given in 4-5" pot & can I use Neem cake powder as well along with vermicompost ??? Please advice quantity & frequency….

  2. I was looking up videos for Christmas cactus care and came across yours. Your plant is not a Christmas cactus, it is a Thanksgiving cactus. If you are to educate the people, please educate them with the correct facts. Thanks

  3. I just found a Christmas cactus potting soil by Sprig and Stone……very well draining and crunchy? Right word? Anyway, my cacti – Christmas, Easter and thanksgiving all seem to like it. Just don’t know how to get them to bloom. But then again I haven’t fertilized much.

  4. The best way I found is to let the soil dry out and then add water amd repete .been growing mine from a 4 segment peice. And now it's 4 years later and it's in a larger container and since its a clear plastic container I can see how good their root system is and it has roots around,the bottom,of the container and the plant has started to grow its woody stem at the base

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