DAIZZ’S TIP:-A beautiful holiday plant (botanically known as Schlumbergera or Zygocactus), the Christmas Cactus unsurprisingly blooms at Christmas and also sometimes around Easter time if cared for properly. A month prior to Christmas you will be able to watch the tips of the leaves beginning to grow. The tips grow darker as each day passes, until a bud forms. At Christmas time, as if by magic, the buds open to a beautiful flower that will add color and warmth to any holiday season.
Happy Life by FREDJI
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Buddha by Kontekst
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Music provided by Audio Library
Summer temps outside reaches 43C Even in shady area outside temp is ~34-37C… How to take care in such condition.. Humidity U can do by keeping a water tray but its the heat bothering my Christmas Cactus…. Please advice…
Can I use misting as well… How many times in a day ??
Per plant how much Vermicompost to be given in 4-5" pot & can I use Neem cake powder as well along with vermicompost ??? Please advice quantity & frequency….
I have tjis plant, apparently it looks healthy, but no flowering at all, dont know what's the problem, plz help… Thank you.
Where I live the soil is “
red clay”, will that cause problems or is there bags of garden soil.
Excelente, felicitaciones y gracias.
From my experience, adding too much garden soil in a container doesn't release water, it makes the soil very damp
Can u share a link or number to buy zygo cactus
I just found this channel, and so far I love the content.
what is best time to propogate this succlent
Shud be kept indoor or outdoor plz suggest
My plant leaves are very thin and looks underwatered in wet soil also. I checked roots and repot it but it doesn't work. Plz help.
I was looking up videos for Christmas cactus care and came across yours. Your plant is not a Christmas cactus, it is a Thanksgiving cactus. If you are to educate the people, please educate them with the correct facts. Thanks
How many weeks will grow the flower of crab cactus/Xmas
Can you explain how you do the two tier christmas cactus shown in the picture of this video. That is the coolest I've ever seen.
Whats the thumbnail?
Hi, thanks for your usefull video! i accidentally overwatered my two christmas cactus
should i re-pot them with new dry soil, or can i just wait for it to dry by itself? Thanks!
My christmas cactus looks very dull
This is indoor or outdoor sir?
In whish session it give flower please replay
What is d blooming season ?
My nursery man told that I have to keep them in direct sun
Nice videos
I just found a Christmas cactus potting soil by Sprig and Stone……very well draining and crunchy? Right word? Anyway, my cacti – Christmas, Easter and thanksgiving all seem to like it. Just don’t know how to get them to bloom. But then again I haven’t fertilized much.
The best way I found is to let the soil dry out and then add water amd repete .been growing mine from a 4 segment peice. And now it's 4 years later and it's in a larger container and since its a clear plastic container I can see how good their root system is and it has roots around,the bottom,of the container and the plant has started to grow its woody stem at the base