March 27, 2025

VIDEO: What are pH, EC, TDS, and PPM and How Are They Connected?

If you’re new to hydroponics and have NO clue what all of the terminology means, this video is for you. Even if you’re an intermediate grower and want to know what EC is, what TDS means, which you should use, and how it all connects to pH, make some time to watch this one today.

The truth is that EC or electrical conductivity is the purest way to measure your nutrient concentration. TDS or total dissolved solids is a calculation based on EC that meters perform internally. TDS is measured in PPM, or parts per million and the calculation can vary based on the conversion factor.

This is why you must know the conversion factor your meter is using if you’re using TDS. Or you can simply switch to using EC and never have to worry about it again!

Today’s video is sponsored by Apera Instruments, makers of water and soil testing probes and meters. They kindly donated the PH20 and PC60 meters for me to make this video.


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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: What are pH, EC, TDS, and PPM and How Are They Connected?

  1. Very good explanation. I was familiar with pH testers , pH up / down etc. But was a little confused about the EC and tds tester/ meters and what the difference / what to go with. Now I am ok with it. But have additional one question above

  2. If one use a tds or an ec meter how does the total dissolve solids or electrical conductivity measurements coorospond to how much N or P or K or trace nutrients to add. It only tells you in general what ppm not what constitutes how much nitrogen , phosphorus ,.. etc

  3. In soil growing the have soil test / testers to give you the measurements of all the different major plant chemical N ,P ,K , calcium , boron ,…etc what is the equivalent to this in hydroponics growing as the tds / EC seems to only give you not the full story on nutritional break down as well as what floralgrow hydroponic solution to add more of

  4. It seems tds/ec tester could be enough for a farmer to have a frame of reference on when to top up or redo his fertilizer procedures but some times your going to need the chemical break down to focus on a problem or troubleshoot the problem down to the very nutritional chemical deficiency cause. Is there no tester for this. Maybe it's only send away water test sample not sure

  5. Yeah some of that was cool but you blew my fucking mind and didn't give me a chance to soak in anything b4 something else. How about a breather in between. You speak in run ons how

  6. Great video, came here for EC and this was super helpful.. i just found it hilarious when you named all 4 units and said both the abbreviated and full versions and when you got to pH you just made a face LMFAO

  7. "What I'm gonna do is", repeatedly doesn't teach, it distracts and fatigues. Listen to your delivery before publication. You could eliminate a few minutes runtime just by not saying, "what I'm gonna do is, is the following".

  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I went to so many videos trying to find a clear explanation for EC and TDS and every other person made it made it seem much more confusing than it had to be. I'm only 4 and a 1/2 minutes into your video and you've already given me a much clearer understanding of what these things mean. You are explaining the information technically, but also clearly explaining those things that are specifically important to a grower. Much appreciated!

  9. I've watched a dozen videos on this subject and yours is, hands-down, the best one. I realize this is a 4 year old video, but I hope you see this comment. The only thing it was missing was the proper readings for various vegetables.

  10. I have well water and the EC for it is 0.40. My 3 part hydroponic solutions guide says to use an EC of 2.0. Does this mean that I only add 1.6 EC solution of nutrients for a total of 2.0 or do I add an EC 2.0 of nutrients for a total of 2.4?

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