March 17, 2025

VIDEO: How to Extend Your Growing Season For Less Than $50!

Gardening can be rewarding, but often we forget how much more rewarding it would be if we could grow even a month or two longer. With the right types of plants and this simple low tunnel made for less than $50 we can do just that.
Low tunnel build –
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Extend Your Growing Season For Less Than $50!

  1. I just bought my 4mil 20×25 for my greenhouse sides and raised gardens. $25 and change. Thank you for the ironing tip. These plastics last a couple of years if they are stored out of the sun thru summer.

  2. I use ECM because I find that plastic or PVC pipes don't weather well season after season and will eventually break/crack. I've never had to replace an ECM hoop yet (in 7+ years) and I've used them in NY and in MI. I agree with the drop cloths, but I will also put weights, like bricks, on the edges to keep the plastic from blowing around on the windy days and will open up the ends of the hoops on these upper 40 to 50+ degree days because it'll get up into the 80's in there even with 4 mil plastic when it's fairly warm and sunny.

  3. Love your videos.. Can you do a video of the different types of plants that can remain dormant during winter season. As I live in Canada and we typically have a shorter gardening season. Beautiful family by the way.

  4. Hi Luke, I love your channel I've been watching for years and you advice is always pertinent to the small scale grower. However I am curious to know how long you think the cheap plastic will last, would they not degrade pretty quickly i.e. within a year? I understand it is a good solution to an immediate budget, but if the expensive UV treated greenhouse plastic lasts longer (at least 4x longer if its 4x the price) couldn't you argue its cheaper in the long run? You could even argue fewer cover replacements means less plastic used which would be kinder to the environment.

  5. Have you used this method before? We used a 4mil drop cloth to solarize old potting soil and it ended up deteriorating in a month. Since drop cloths aren't UV resistant like greenhouse plastic they don't withstand constant UV rays. It was a mess and there were bits of plastic all over.

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