March 27, 2025

VIDEO: How to Start a Vegetable Garden or Food Forest for beginners with Composting Fall Leaves. Part 2

How to Start a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden or Food Forest Permaculture for beginners with Composting Fall Leaves in your yard. Part 2. In this Garden Series I will show you from building soil to planting for beginning a garden in your front or back yard.

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Start a Vegetable Garden or Food Forest for beginners with Composting Fall Leaves. Part 2

  1. Love your vids. Did you rototill those leaves in? Also if you’re small scale and EXTREMELY lazy do you need to mix these leaves in with the soil? I’d rather just grow the soil with roots and leave the leaves on top. Check out balansa clover as a cover crop.

  2. Hi Mark, I've enjoyed your videos, thanks for sharing so much! Got a couple questions: 1. which direction do you usually align your crop rows on your farm, North-to-South, East-to-West? 2. Haven't heard you talk about soil compaction, I see you use a tractor for some things, do you have to worry much about compaction using your techniques?

  3. I have 1000 sg ft potatoe patch where we grow white potatoes for over winter in our root cellar. The patch was planted to winter rye after harvest. How do I plant next spring with out tilling and hilling which now it sounds like that kills the soil biology gained with the winter rye. I am in zone 3 I/2. I would appreciate your thoughts.

  4. Have you ever use wood vinegar as a pesticide? It is the condensation of smoke from charcoal. There are videos on YouTube but no one in North America used it, so I don't know how effective it is.. Just searching

  5. How did you mix the leaf mold w/ your native soil if you don't rototill into soil? (sorry for all the question I have on many videos; just found your channel and wish to better garden then last year!)

  6. Hi Mark, great videos, very informative, thanks. I think I overdid working in leaves in my garden. For the last couple of falls, I've rototilled in about a foot of fall leaves, the main reason was to encourage the earthworm population in my slightly sandy soil. Now I've noticed that my plants have started to loose vigor, and become spindly – I first thought it was due to invading tree roots, but now I'm thinking that the leaves breaking down have tied up the nitrogen. I could add commercial fertilizer for a quick fix, but I'd like to stay as organic as possible. Can you suggest a natural way to quickly up the nitrogen in my soil? Thank you.

  7. Hello, great videos. Thanks so much. I’ve been going through many of them and my problem is I don’t know where to start. It’s mid May in zone 5. I normally don’t plant much until Memorial Day. I don’t know whether to pile leaves and plant in that or try to plant the cover crops and plant into that. Can I plant anything into the cover crops? I saw where you planted carrots and squash, but am wondering about tomatoes, peppers, onions etc. Am I too late to plant the soil growing plants or is that done only in early spring or in fall? Thanks again for the videos.

  8. This is a great series, Mark. I am super excited to try this just as soon as I'm able.
    The music you selected for this one is top notch. Reminds me of the music my parents used to listen to, almost like a store brand version of The Byrds or something. Really made me smile. Thanks!

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