September 28, 2024


Polyculture or monoculture what gardening style is best for you and your health?




CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!



  1. this same principle works for humans living in harmony with each other. once those churches are dismantled and we are allowed to have our personal relationships with God rebuilt through the ultimate price paid, God will once again live among us. To me, you are Saint James…God blessed you brother.

  2. I really love this format James, it's the first time we actually see a younger generation talk about growing nutrient dense food the right way! Can't wait for future episodes!

  3. Do you think there's any career paths in permaculture coming in the future? Jobs and the outlook. PDCs seem more for your own personal use. I'd like to see this grow and keep advancing. I mean everyone knows about monocultures. I hope polycultures become as well known by the public. At least the awareness about it because so many people will be practicing this in the future. God speed.

  4. I have a question. Why do most permaculture people seen to many grow fruit and veggie mainly? Why less things like corn or potatoes? They are food staples.

  5. Hi there! Thank you for the great content 🙂 One thing: Sepp Holzer is in Austria, not Switzerland. Not the same. Thank you, have a lovely evening!

  6. I'm a mom and grandmother. I grew up outside of Detroit so I know that it is so different to grow a garden in the north (plant on Memorial Day and harvest by Labor Day) versus growing one in the south (grow all year but struggle with mold and bacteria and heat so hot it cooks the tomatoes on the vines). I had to learn a whole new way to garden in my suburban yard. We used to be a 7A and now we are 7B. Also, we don't have a sufficient frost period (worse now with global warming) and can't grow decent apples, cheeries, rhubarb, lilacs, etc. and I miss those things. Honeysuckle takes over your garden here because it is so warm it never dies back. Invasive. So each area has good and bad aspects. I'm outside of Charlotte, NC. I told you before – if you ever get this way or want a vacation here – my door is open. Stop and see us. Bring your brother. My suburban garden is a work in progress. Thanks to you – I've been able to really increase my food production with wood chips. As I get more free woodchips, I'm turning my entire yard into a permaculture. I love your videos. Ann Harlan ( 704-321-9841 (home phone with answering machine.

  7. You forgot to mention the most important thing that keeps poly culture in place…..livestock. Without livestock you still need chemicals for the soil and absence of ecosystem.

  8. Thank you Mr. Prigioni. Your videos are awesome. I teach gardening at St. Benedict's Preparatory School in Newark. I am assigning your videos for my students to watch. In addition to being able to explain the gardening process in a way that makes it interesting and enjoyable, you provide creative ideas for the students to try to implement. For example, the students will be trying polyculture gardening this year. – Fr. Max

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