Good or Bad Fungi grows in winter..? How to Start a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden or Food Forest Permaculture for beginners with Composting Fall Leaves in your yard. Part 2. In this Garden Series I will show you from building soil to planting for beginning a garden in your front or back yard.
VIDEO: How to Start a Vegetable Garden or Food Forest for beginners with Composting Fall Leaves. Part 3
Good or Bad Fungi grows in winter..? How to Start a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden or Food Forest Permaculture for beginners with Composting Fall Leaves in your yard. Part 2. In this Garden Series I will show you from building soil to planting for beginning a garden in your front or back yard.
great content as always Mark…
I know you must be splitting wide open with pride !
And you have every reason.
Best of luck to your son.
Thank you for sharing your videos! I have been watching for a year or so now and the information you have shared is playing a large role in my plans for the property I've just moved to in Quebec, zone 4. It is a mostly red pine forest planted 40+ years ago that seems pretty heavily infected with shoestring root rot fungus, (armillaria mellea.) It attacks younger trees, vines, shrubs etc. many of the things that I plan to grow in the yard. It's not something that is realistic to get rid of for me, but I've read some articles and from what I've gathered, if you have the right mycorrhizal fungi, (which seem to go hand in hand with optimal soil conditions,) the plants stand a much better chance at being unaffected by the root rot.
So far this fall I have sheet-mulched a couple of beds and double-dug and mulched some more where the grass was. I used pine needles from some of the infected trees around the forest floor for the mulch in the vegetable garden. I also started and have plans for more hugelkultur mounds, (with the infected logs.)
I'm hoping that by working to create soil that I am able to garden in, (if successful,) I will be able to grow those beneficial fungi/bacteria/etc into the forest as well eventually. I found some products that contain mycorrhizal fungi, good bacteria, and trichoderma. I plan to use one of them in the spring and hope to grow a cover crop next fall to keep the soil growing.
Thanks again for sharing this valuable information! I hope that I am able to put it to good use.
Like your videos, very informative and concise. I appreciate that you always pan it to the subjects while explaining it, (unlike john Kohler whom I am not a subscriber always rambling and keeping himself in the frame… extremely annoying).
Great video Mark! I'm retired U.S.A.F and wish your son the best. Please remind him to always keep telling himself that "What the mind believes, the body can achieve." Semper Fi, future Devil Dog!
Thank you for your explanations and thank you son for his service.
As always thanks for the video!
Happy Holidays and good luck to your son! Prayers!
Congratulations Mark. Best wishes to your son in boot camp. Bob.
Congratulations !! Welcome to the Marine family.
Hey Mark! God bless you and your son! That’s a big and honorable decision! I am actually not far from you and was wondering where do you get your bare root trees? I cannot seem to find a local nursery that sells bare root only the $75 4 year old trees.
As always thank you for all you do!
The perennial is Verigated lirope it commonly used as a commercial ground cover plant here in TX
Oorah ! Semper Fi. Best wishes to your son as he begins his journey. BTW another great video. Thanks
Keep up the good work,,,and keep the videos comming,,,,and i see your staying busy during winter.
Congratulations! And Gods blessings for both your sons and yourself! In advance, a very merry blessed Christmas and a prosperous 2018 in every part of your life!
Looking forward to more video's in the new year to come!
Prayers for your son. Thanks for sharing the video, I enjoy them
Dito PoBoy Jelly Oorah ! Semper Fi. Best wishes to your son as he begins his journey
Congratulations and thank you son for his service. Prayers for him wherever he may go and for his safe return throughout the years.
Thanks for another awesome video!
Mark, another great video. I love how you use scientific method to teach your points.
Make sure your son knows of my, and others gratitude for his willingness to serve our country. Best of luck to him. And may God bless you also. I know the difficulty of seeing a son go out on his own to do hard things. Keep up the good fight brother.
should I do one last rototill in my garden bed to add sand, and then follow no till system. Or, should I just forgo such plans and plant in the hard clay next year and use cover crops?
Hi Mark, I love your videos and i have learned so much from you. I hope to earn a living from a farm like you someday. If you ever need any ideas for new videos you should consider teaching how you market your produce.
Thanks for the great video Mark. I planted winter rye in my hugalcultur mounds this October, I thought it may have been too late in the season (here in New Hampshire) but it actually grew about 4" before being burried under a foot of snow. How much growth should I expect over the winter months?
Congratulations to you and your son Mark, how proud you must be. I am just now catching back up on your videos as I try to get my garden going here in South Texas. Thank you for all the videos and your kindness in sharing your hard work and expertise.
Thanks again Mark for your great generosity with all the information. God bless your son hope he is doing well. So sad you lost your wife, may she rest in peace.
How long distans should we plant the fruit trees to have the effect of the mycorhizial fungi on the wegetables
Thanks for another great video Mark God Bless you and your family.